norfolk, VA
Driving Status:
Company Driver In Training
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7 year Navy vet racing fan and potential truck driver
Posted: 10 years, 5 months ago
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Not on the road yet but its not to bad so far. as soon as i go solo i am thinking of doing video logging on youtube.
Posted: 10 years, 5 months ago
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Also i am doing flatbed. i get CPM but almost went with TMC that does percentage. IDK about other companies that do percentage but i know at TMC the avg takehome for a rookie is about 800-1000. the only reason i didnt know with them and went with melton is my fiencee and i are in a pickle and cant afford two months of training pay at TMC where as we only have to deal with training pay for 1 month at melton.
Posted: 10 years, 5 months ago
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Keith, that is just a part of trucking. miles are never the same week to week. plus the really low payed weeks are usually hometime and or a broken down truck.
Posted: 10 years, 5 months ago
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Congrats no chin!! I passed today to. Feels good
awsome who are you going with?
Posted: 10 years, 5 months ago
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Hey guys sorry for not being on here in a while but ive been really busy with stuff at home and CDL school. Well i had my DMV road test today and did really well. Missed only one item on the pretrip, did great on the backing, and the road test went perfect all the way till the end. Before turning to go back into the test yard i was trying to downshift into 5th and i stupidly forgot to preselect the low range. Both myself and the tester were laughing our butts off because i did so well on the road and screwed up getting back into the yard. She didnt even count it. Anyway thanks guys and i will be leaving out this saturday for orientation at Melton in Oklahoma.
Posted: 10 years, 6 months ago
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Ok well Phase 1 of ATI CDL school is almost over. we have our final exam on thursday morning. Shouldnt be a problem. Next Tuesday we start actually driving rather than just classroom stuff and pretrip. Got my Permit about 2 weeks into the class and both the training here and the way Rick the classroom instructor teaches you its pretty easy test at the DMV with the exception of the random curvball question as in a reworded or trick question. I did find out today that i am not the youngest in the class as i thought but the female in the class is just 21. everyone else besides her and i are in their 30's, 40's, or 50's although that 30 is getting closer and closer for me. anyway next week couldnt have come any sooner as the classroom stuff was driving me nuts.
Posted: 10 years, 6 months ago
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Im going with TMC got one month of school left and i cant wait to start. love their pay and hometime
Posted: 10 years, 6 months ago
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Well two weeks of an 8 week course of school is done and as far as i can figure im top of the class based on test scores. got my permit. next two weeks is trip planning exercises, learning hours of service, and pre trip inspections. Then its on to backing for a week and a half and the rest is on the road driving. Almost all of my class is hell bent on being local only and not even concidering regional and going nose up to OTR. i think myself and maby 3 others out of a class of 13 want otr and only myself and one other are wanting Flatbed.
Posted: 10 years, 7 months ago
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OK so day 1 is in the books. Basic first day of school and orientation stuff and we went through the introduction part of the Virginia CDL handbook. Oh BTW the trucks they use at ati are three KW T2000 that are kinda ragged out and two brand new Volvos. I still cant tell the Volvo models apart yet. Almost every other american truck i can but the volvos all look basically the same to me.
Posted: 10 years, 5 months ago
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Checking in from melton orientation
Hey guys. its been a while but i finally got a little bit of free time that i don't want to spend sleeping lol. the bus ride out to Tulsa was horrible. Monday was nothing more than some paperwork, physicals, drug tests, and road tests. Today, Tuesday, was all an introduction to load securment. The bus ride out here to Tulsa was horrible and i barley made it in time to get some decent sleep before orientation on Monday. Orientation is 8 days and either next Monday or next Tuesday i will head out on the road with a trainer for 3 weeks. also Josh the guy who teaches load securement and safety director had a "come to Jesus" talk with the class today before we went back to the hotel about if after today if we feel flatbed is not for us then we need to go now. No one has left yet and usually by now a few do. But then again we have a small class of 7. we were supposed to have 8 but one person did not show up. either Wednesday or Thursday the drug tests come back and on Thursday we are officially hired if nothing bad comes back on everyone's drug tests.