Profile For Keith D(guitarzan)

Keith D(guitarzan)'s Info

  • Location:
    Medford, OR

  • Driving Status:
    Preparing For School

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  • Joined Us:
    10 years, 10 months ago

Keith D(guitarzan)'s Bio

60 years old- All these years been trying to figure out what I wanted to be when I grew up. Funny thing I knew when I was 5 what I wanted to be. I just kinda got sidetracked. Anyway better late than never - here I am. I'm really getting a little impatient. I've been contemplating this move now for 2 years. I think I'm actually going to Prime in about 3 months. Hurry up and wait.

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Posted:  8 years, 1 month ago

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**TruckingTruth's 10 Year Anniversary!!!**

Thanks Brett and Happy 10th - Keep on Truckin' !

Posted:  8 years, 7 months ago

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Jim Palmer cdl training

Fill it out now, they'll run the background check when you get to the 30 day mark but she'll stay in contact with you the whole time. She called me once a week to see how I was doing and I actually came out a week earlier. She made it work so. I'd say just apply now and see what happens.


Aaron after filling out your application how long did it take for Jim Palmer to get back with you ? Also once they accepted you how long until they scheduled your (5 0r 6? person ) training class? I'm wondering because I've been stalking about the site for a couple of years and vacillating between Prime (whose already accepted me) and Jim Palmer. I've been biding my time taking care of some issues that kept me from trucking but now it looks as though I should be ready to take the plunge around the middle or end of September. I live in the Northwest so actually Jim Palmer may be a better fit for me than Prime. I just don't want to put my application in too early at Jim Palmer since they're a smaller company and have such a small class size. I want to be ready to pack up and go immediately when they have a class open up. Long story short- I'm trying to gauge my timing on when to fill out my digital employment application.


Well I updated my ongoing digital Application last night I was up late doing it - about 3AM - Wow they called me back the next mornin 9:15 AM their time- 7:15AM my time. I was way groggy , didn't expect them to call me back that quick- wanted to know if I already had a CDL- Anyway said she'd turn in my app and see if I qualified (I don't now if that means they're doing a background ck already or not ) She said would take 24- 48hrs usually. In retrospect if I hadn't been half asleep I may have asked her a few pertinent questions like what her name was - she said she was in Springfield MO. -Just thought I'd keep you informed cause you're the only one on the site that's with Jim Palmer as far I can tell. I thought I'd just bounce some stuff off of you as it happens -if you don't mind. Thanks Aaron - be talking to you !

Posted:  8 years, 7 months ago

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Jim Palmer cdl training

Fill it out now, they'll run the background check when you get to the 30 day mark but she'll stay in contact with you the whole time. She called me once a week to see how I was doing and I actually came out a week earlier. She made it work so. I'd say just apply now and see what happens.


Aaron after filling out your application how long did it take for Jim Palmer to get back with you ? Also once they accepted you how long until they scheduled your (5 0r 6? person ) training class? I'm wondering because I've been stalking about the site for a couple of years and vacillating between Prime (whose already accepted me) and Jim Palmer. I've been biding my time taking care of some issues that kept me from trucking but now it looks as though I should be ready to take the plunge around the middle or end of September. I live in the Northwest so actually Jim Palmer may be a better fit for me than Prime. I just don't want to put my application in too early at Jim Palmer since they're a smaller company and have such a small class size. I want to be ready to pack up and go immediately when they have a class open up. Long story short- I'm trying to gauge my timing on when to fill out my digital employment application.


Thanks Aaron I pretty much figured it wouldn't hurt to put it in now - thanks for confirming that. Congrats on all your success so far sounds like you got this thing wired !

Posted:  8 years, 7 months ago

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Jim Palmer cdl training

Aaron after filling out your application how long did it take for Jim Palmer to get back with you ? Also once they accepted you how long until they scheduled your (5 0r 6? person ) training class? I'm wondering because I've been stalking about the site for a couple of years and vacillating between Prime (whose already accepted me) and Jim Palmer. I've been biding my time taking care of some issues that kept me from trucking but now it looks as though I should be ready to take the plunge around the middle or end of September. I live in the Northwest so actually Jim Palmer may be a better fit for me than Prime. I just don't want to put my application in too early at Jim Palmer since they're a smaller company and have such a small class size. I want to be ready to pack up and go immediately when they have a class open up. Long story short- I'm trying to gauge my timing on when to fill out my digital employment application.

Posted:  8 years, 8 months ago

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Water heaters

dash rapid electric kettle blue - Vloggers at "lovin truckin" swear by by his !

Posted:  8 years, 8 months ago

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New to trucking which school is best for a ex miltary vet??

I believe if your going to the school in Springfield they pay for everything except your CDL permit fees - If your going to the Salt lake city school Youneed to have your permit and Dot card before you get there.

Posted:  8 years, 9 months ago

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Hi all, I am new to this forum and TruckingTruth

Sounds like you may some new info. I'm sure learning to drive a truck is a big job. I just finished a 240 hour truck training, and drove a bit over six hundred highway miles. Half those were loaded miles and another hundred was at night. With all the research I've done I haven't found, or read any school that does that much training. Only two students to a truck. The highway miles required me to drive through OKC, across DOT scale, leave a divided highway with posted 20 mph with clover leaf, then immediately exit to reverse direction so I could make a left turn, at a traffic light. That left turn led to an active railroad crossing. Only enough space between light an track for one truck and trailer. Plenty of space but if a truck is there you can't turn until light and space are both available. The drives also required two lane through small towns with traffic lights, and some four-way stops. Then after these accomplishes I can pass pre-trip inspection, skills that involved alley dock, straight back, and driver plus passenger side off-set. But have been denied the cdl. The school instructors are giving me the good driver grade. Grade is poor, fair, good. I've driven with five different instructors. Any idea what I might be doing wrong?

Am I the only one completely mystified by "THIS" post !? ( sorry disregard my previous incoherent fumble of a post !)

Posted:  8 years, 9 months ago

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Thanks-yeah no worries figured you were busy - Sounds like I could deal with it for a while, while I learn the ropes - Yeah xtra money's GOOD !

Posted:  8 years, 9 months ago

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I know you make a little more money driving the light version but how do you like it so far - I mean can you deal with the space limitations or have you adapted - or are you regretting it (is it worth the extra money in your opinion) . ----just curious since I'm still considering going with PRIME !

Posted:  8 years, 9 months ago

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Male trainees requesting female trainers

I'll 2nd that really !

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