Old Forge, NY
Driving Status:
Rookie Solo Driver
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41 y/o flatbedder with Melton Truck Lines. Married, 2 kids, 2 grand kids. Always wanted to get into trucking, just had to get other things out of my system first! LOL
Graduated from Sage truck driving school in Rome, NY 11/14/2014
Have a couple of friends who are/were in the trucking industry.
Any wisdom and advice will be greatly appreciated!
Posted: 8 years, 11 months ago
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Website for purchasing trucking needs?
Yup! Amazon!!! Unless I'm in full on "instant gratification mode" then, if I can't get it at Wally World or a truck stop, I have been known to go to Camping World for a few things! That's where I got my satellite dish and receiver.
Posted: 9 years, 8 months ago
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I've only been to New York once, but it's a beautiful place if you avoid the city! I'll definitely be going back sooner rather than later!
(I was actually up there when the two prisoners escaped and within 20 miles of where they were. What a time to go vacation, right?)
You wanna travel through a nice area take a detour through lake placid and the Adirondack mountains. Very nice scenery.
I actually live in the Adirondacks! I love it (when I'm actually home, lol). Tourist season can be a bit stressful when I roll into the village of Old Forge with a 53' split axel flatbed and there's tourists popping out from between parked cars, that are too far away from the curb, and they are jaywalking!
I also had someone who was renting from one of my neighbors, call my company and complain to my DM that my truck being parked in my driveway was blocking his view of the lake! He said he's paying $1000 a week, and I was ruining his 4th of July vacation! My DM told him as nicely as possible, to stuff it! As long as there was no town ordinance that prohibited me from parking my truck in MY OWN DRIVEWAY, I was good to go! And I wouldn't hear another word about it from my DM! (There is no ordinance that says I can't park there, BTW)
Posted: 9 years, 9 months ago
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Passed my DMV exam today!
So relieved that I am done with that experience. I really would like to thank TT and Brett for helping me to waltz right through the permit test and endorsements so I could focus on the actual driving. Thanks to Old School for being an all around mentor and for always calling it as he sees it. Jopa for keeping things humorous (your $29.99 is in the mail, however it might take 4-6 years for postage to clear so be patient) Also thanks to Daniel B for the pre-trip. While I could only use your pictures, because Virginia has different names and phrases they have to hear from us, the parts are at least nearly the same. Thank you for that resource.
I'll be starting orientation with Melton on May 25th. Can't wait. Also want to thank the folks on here from Melton for giving great information to help me make a decision especially on the flatbed variety thread. (Wilson, I sent you a PM, your photos and comments sold me).
Again thanks all and looking forward to seeing many of you out on the road shortly!
Congrats on passing your exam! WGT!!!
And welcome to Melton! As you probably already know, there's a few of us on here! It's a great place to work! I'm currently in Tulsa on "light duty" but I should be getting my doctors clearance to get back in a truck on the 18th. If you have any questions, please feel free to PM me as well. I'm not on here as often as I'd like, but I'm always willing to help out when I can!
Congrats again! And I look forward to seeing you out there in a Melton blue truck!
Posted: 9 years, 11 months ago
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Congratulations, Scott!!!!! WTG!!!!
Welcome to the wonderful world of trucking!
Posted: 9 years, 11 months ago
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To TMC, or to Melton? A wannabe flatbedder inquires!
Tarren, your Melton Truck Lines story is more than ten times better than those "We treat you with respect! Earn up to $75,000 per year! All the mileage you want! Best benefits!" ads. Thank you!
You're very welcome, Errol.
....and Old School is so right about flatbedders. You will run across one or two that can be real jerks. But for the most part, we help each other, no matter who you drive for.
Posted: 9 years, 11 months ago
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To TMC, or to Melton? A wannabe flatbedder inquires!
Awesome info, thanks guys! I was kinda wondering how true the "Truckers Marine Corps" gag was for TMC, Old School.... honestly, all the info I've acquired for Melton from Tarren here, and Wilson's old blog posts, have helped propel Melton forward in my mind.
Also, I just got an offer from Melton! I'll be heading there in early April for a 5-day orientation :D By the time that's done, I'll be getting a truck and starting out with them! :)
Awesome news, my friend! I'm Hopeful that by the 5th I'll be back in a truck, and back out there. So, you'll have to keep us posted on how it goes!
So, congrats on the offer! Again, if you have any questions, feel free to PM me.
Posted: 9 years, 11 months ago
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To TMC, or to Melton? A wannabe flatbedder inquires!
Will do! I've been working with Kendra, she seems really good so far. Answered all my questions, very personable and professional on the phone. Seems good with me wanting to wait until after my next home time to come aboard -- I am past due for a general physical with my doctor, and want to get it done while I'm insured.
She said she wanted to get me set up with an interviewer yesterday, but I call today, and her answering machine says she's on vacation. I'm not stressing though, as we've got a few more weeks to get everything set up before the orientation date we're shooting for, first or second week of April in Ohio.
Cool! Kendra is one of the good ones! They're all really good, but she's really nice.
Ohio is a good place to start. Eric, the terminal manager is a great guy. So is Keith, the guy who runs the shop out there. They're all really good guys out there. Pay attention, and if you're not sure about something, ask.
The hotel is pretty good too! Better breakfast there than at the hotel in Tulsa. and there's a subway in the convenience store right out in front of the hotel. You get a discount on subs and stuff from subway if you show them your room key card.
Like I said, if you have any other questions, feel free to drop me a PM!
Posted: 9 years, 11 months ago
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Melton Truck Lines - don't have a truck right now because I'm on "light duty". (Foot got stuck, rolled my ankle, and "Snap!"). But, I'll be back on the road in a couple of weeks after I finish physical therapy.
I'll update once I'm in my new truck!
Posted: 9 years, 11 months ago
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To TMC, or to Melton? A wannabe flatbedder inquires!
Hey, that's awesome Tarren! Thanks for the info -- I definitely hope that I can get on with Melton! :) How's the ankle coming along? Hope to see you out there soon!
You're very welcome!
My ankle is doing much better, thanks for asking! It's been really sore the past couple of days because I was doing a lot of walking the other day, and the ankle brace that I was using didn't fit right. (ouch!). But I went and got fitted for a new one yesterday and have been icing it and keeping it elevated since yesterday afternoon.
Have you talked to a recruiter yet? If not, I can give you the names of a couple of good ones!
And if you end up coming out here in the next few weeks, give me a shout!
Posted: 8 years, 11 months ago
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Backing Practice 07
My answer is:
I'm a Flatbedder! I don't bump docks!!!!!
Just kidding!
I tend to agree with the others. Get turned around either in the dock area up by your arrow, or in the parking area before the parked rig. I would assume that kind of turn could be done with a regular van trailer. However, should not be attempted with the spread axel trailer I haul all of the time.