Profile For Eden M.

Eden M.'s Info

  • Location:
    Reading, PA

  • Driving Status:
    Preparing For School

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  • Joined Us:
    10 years, 10 months ago

Eden M.'s Bio

An aspiring truck driver that is determined to live a better life. I am from Pennsylvania And the opportunities for truckers are endless. It attracted me and so did the money. More importantly I really like to drive and not be limited to an office or register or just 1 area. The traveling as a truck driver is a great way to see the US. I'm excited to start my training and get on the road.

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Posted:  10 years, 8 months ago

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Weeks away from swift training

It was pretty easy and quick. I did the online studying and quizzes got my permit and now I just gotta call my recruiter to set the date once I get my birth certificate. But they are very fast at responding to any inquiries.

Posted:  10 years, 8 months ago

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Weeks away from swift training

Hey everyone just thought I'd come show my face and let you know my progress I am literally weeks away from going to Richmond,Va for Swift Training and I am super excited. Ever since I figured out that trucking was going to be my career of choice I haven't gotten much support in my immediate family because I'm a girl. I don't take time anymore to explain how much I am going to take care of myself and that I'm learning how to be a safe driver above all. On the plus side my significant other and my father both support my dream of becoming a truck driver. So at this moment I'm waiting for my birth certificate to come thru the mail and then set up my start for sure this time and then off to training I go. Anyone want to fill me in on some of the trainers in Richmond?

Posted:  10 years, 9 months ago

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Soooo happy and relieved I passed my CDL exam definitely was much more prepared and confident when I went to take it. Thanks to those of you who gave me advice... Now my question is I have 2 options should I go thru company paid training or go to trucking school which then opens my options plus I work for walmart and I can always find a job thru them. So if you don't mind giving me your input I would so appreciate it. Thanks in advance!!!!

Posted:  10 years, 9 months ago

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Though I have been driving 16 years I have had some recent experience with the High Road study guide. Not fully ready to talk about what's going on just yet since it will take another month or so to complete everything and then I shall share all but let's just say this.....

Even after 16 years even I still relearned things I had forgotten over the years. Not only was I doing certain parts of the High Road program but I also downloaded the CDL manuals of 3 other states in which I considered the most restrictive on regulations and I will tell you that almost word for word the CDL books are the same. The only difference is the way the questions are worded on the actual test itself at the state level.

I know as boring as it maybe I want you to do this up until you test again. Reset your test scores. Do the entire General Knowledge section. Wait not through yet! It's a long section. 38 or 39 pages I believe around there. Only do 3 to 5 pages at a time. They are pretty fast. Then stop and take a break. Do house work or take a walk or call someone but take a break. There is such a thing as over studying. Allow those first few pages to sink in. Then after the break do a few more and take another break. Allow those to sink in.

Here is the thing about humans not only do we learn through repetition which the High Road has mastered but we learn better if you are only digesting small portions of something that is new to you.

Now continue with the few pages at a time until you have them all complete. THEN reset your scores again and this time do as much on the section as you can. Though there are alot of pages in it , it does go pretty fast.

Already explained the reason why I want you to do it this way so far as talking about the way humans learn but here is the reason behind the steps I want you to do. Taking in new knowledge is small doses allows your brain to process it easier no matter how smart you are. And the reason for doing the last time in big chunks is to help reinforce the smaller doses and allows you to see an over all bigger picture of the study material.

Ever wondered why , probably not, there were so many small quizzes in school though the year and at the end of the year you took a larger test that basically covered everything the you learned through out the year? Read all I said above and that is your answer. It's not a new concept I am taking about but it's one that has proven it's self over and over again through the years.

WOW sometimes I be thinking that I actually might have a brain in my head after

I agree with you 100% I read the book as soon as I got it, I found online quizzes to help study then I had a period of time where I wasn't studying and now i'm back to studying again and i'm finding myself to be wrong on some questions in the high road program. I have test anxiety and get nervous when having to take a test that holds weight. Maybe I should go to a school before I get it but then I tell myself school costs money I don't have at the moment but I know I can pass this. I had 32 right so all I need is 24 more to pass. I'll take more time to study and really grasp the info. Definitely going to use your technique because it is impossible to remember all of this info. Thanks for your advice!!!

Posted:  10 years, 9 months ago

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My advice would be to skip anything you either don't know or are unsure about. Not sure if PA is the same way but up here they save the skipped questions to the end. That being said though once you get enough correct to meet the minimum grade you move on to the next test and never even go back to those questions. Where as if you guess and get it wrong it counts against you. So just skip and move on. Also from what I understand every states tests are about the same with a few minor differences so study hard with the high road program and you should mail it next time. Good luck to you!

Thank you makes sense to me I appreciate it!!!

Posted:  10 years, 9 months ago

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Good evening my fellow truckers, I am soon attempting to take my permit test again. I had no idea it was 70 questions and the way they are worded I was a bit disturbed. Everything I studied was looking pretty irrelevant. I just studied over the main general knowledge questions on this website and recognized the ones I have struggled with. I'm looking to see if you have any tips to passing this test. I'm thinking instead of guessing on some of them I can skip. so I can come back to them at the end. When I was unsure on a few of them I chose the wrong answer. I am reading over the section again and looking at the practice questions on this website. On a brighter note I have passed my air brakes exam. But without my general exam it means nothing lol. Can't wait to pass it ready to see when I can start training with swift. well thanks in advance for the help!! and Brett I appreciate your website :-).

Posted:  10 years, 9 months ago

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Completed my CDL schooling........still confused about applying to companies. However, I just graduated and I am excited.....

congrats girl, I can't wait for my day of graduation. I am considering swift or might attend smith and Solomon. either way i'll be getting mine. but good job!! and good luck in your career

Posted:  10 years, 9 months ago

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Fire arm or taser protection

Hello ladies I am going for my CDL this summer and wanted to know first is it legal to carry fire arm in ur truck and does anyone do it? I am short and not the fighting type. I have been attacked before in my life so I just want to protect myself while on the road.

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