Profile For Monika D.

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    Tampa, FL

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    Experienced Driver

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    10 years, 10 months ago

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Posted:  3 years, 8 months ago

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Hello Ladies, I’m thinking about getting my CDL but I’m afraid of heights. So, I’m really nervous about driving on flyovers and down mountains, like in Colorado. Can you request to drive on flat roads? Lol Thanks

Hi, I am also TERRIFIED of heights. Like, no high buildings, rollar coasters, can't even watch someone on tv be up high kind of terrified. But it's very different being in a truck. I've sometimes felt a little anxious driving on an elevated highway, going down a steep hill, or on a bridge, but it's really no different than driving those roads in a car. And going down a mountain or a steep hill, you'll likely be downshifted or using the jake, so you're not going to be going as fast as you would in a car. If you're not nervous to drive in locations like this in a car, I wouldn't think you would be in a truck.

I don't really feel scared at all being in an elevated driving position, in fact, there's a huge advantage because you can see further down the highway and spot hazards before the cars do. If I get anxious about something, its usually road conditions or heavy traffic, which is valuable, because you need to be alert to hazards.

Posted:  3 years, 8 months ago

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Let's talk Clothing and work boots

I liked to drive with jeans & steel-toed boots when I was OTR. You never quite know what you're going to run into, so I wanted to have that extra measure of safety, but it's also important to be comfortable. When it was time to drive, I changed into jeans, boots, and I had a bunch of plain men's t-shirts, like the kind you buy in packs. I think when you're a female driver there's another level of scrutiny, so I wanted to look a little more professional. And because I was living and working in one space, I wanted to differentiate between working hours and off-hours, but that was my preference. As you get more comfortable, you'll figure out what works best for you. Now I have a local job and I wear tennis shoes and yoga pants because I'm dropping and hooking all night lol

Posted:  6 years, 5 months ago

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From 911 to trucking

Thanks y'all :)

I did get clearance from my old doctor and I've been out with a trainer for a little over a week.... But man idk if I'm cut out for this. Idk if it's me or maybe my trainer or the fact that she has a manual (which I suck at) but I'm going from "ok maybe this isn't too bad/this is kind of fun" to "holy crap this is terrifying/I'm so freaking miserable I just want to go home" :/ I'm told this is normal, but I don't know how to get over it. Right now all I am doing is counting down until six months is over and I can quit. I'm honestly considering going back to dispatching...

Sorry to be annoying and needy y'all. I really do appreciate all the advice and kind words :)

Posted:  6 years, 6 months ago

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From 911 to trucking

Thanks! Yeah, I can see how that would be a problem, I guess I didn't really consider that when I had my first physical, unfortunately :/ I did get an appointment with a doctor here in Dallas for this week, so that I don't have to go back to Tampa, and Stevens is ok with this. I'm hoping that I will be able to convince the doctor that this new career will be good for me! If I can get cleared, I only have to do some maneuvers and then wait for a trainer!

Posted:  6 years, 6 months ago

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From 911 to trucking

It's with Stevens Transport and it's because I admitted to having had depression and bring in anti depressant medication in the past. Even though I haven't seen that doctor in almost a year, they are still making me go all the way home to see him and get my records because the doctor still hasn't sent my records here. I do have a history of depression, but I didn't realize that would be such a big deal...I kind of figured that everyone has had depression or been on medication :/ I called my school and they said they might be able to get me on at another company, but Stevens really seems like a good place to start off, and I would like to stay here if I can....

Posted:  6 years, 6 months ago

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From 911 to trucking

So I'm at orientation now and everything was going well...... Until I got put on a medical hold. I'm still going to the classes, but they won't let me drive, so I'm just in this frustrating limbo. My old doctor is supposed to be sending files over, which is the alternative to my leaving and going back to Florida just so I can have an appointment with that doctor :/ I'm so worried that they will refuse to hire me because of all this, and then I have no idea how I will pay the school back for training I won't even be able to use :( :(

Posted:  6 years, 6 months ago

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From 911 to trucking


I think I may have barely squeaked through by a few points. My setup for the alley dock was terrible and I thought the test was over then, but somehow I managed to reposition myself just right and squeezed right in with inches to spare. I thought I sunk myself on the road test because I stalled a couple times and had a few instances of not being able to find a gear, but the trainer said that was sometimes a problem with the truck, so I don't think she penalized me for it. I didn't hit any curbs, read almost all the signs, and checked my mirrors and intersections constantly, and I think that's what saved me.

I'm so glad this part's over!! I'm going to take a little time to rest. Then do some cleaning and laundry. I booked a message as my graduation present to myself :) Also I'm going to do some Lyft and Uber driving to make some money before heading to orientation!

Again, thank you soooo much for the words of encouragement!! They really helped to keep me calmer today :)

Posted:  6 years, 6 months ago

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From 911 to trucking

Thank you, Rainy!!!!!

That really is exactly what I hoped this job would be. Dispatching is very similar to your USPS experience - its often very micromanaged, there's loads of stress, you work weekends and holidays in a windowless box, and for far less pay than you deserve.

I was really hoping that trucking would be a lot less stress, getting to travel and see things, maybe get to see friends and family who are spread out all over the country, so I'm really, really glad to hear that has been your experience :)

I take my CDL exam tomorrow morning. I was so nervous after leaving school today that I started crying in front of a bank employee :/ But reading your account has put my mind a little more at ease. I'm still very worried about the alley dock and the road test, but at least I'm a little more hopeful now. :)

Posted:  6 years, 6 months ago

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From 911 to trucking

Thanks, y'all!

So far I'm actually doing pretty well, and I'm on to the final phase...but I'm so exhausted. Road driving and alley dock seem like the hardest part by far! My knees are killing me from clutching and climbing in and out of the trucks, I'm so tired of being out in the heat and so overwhelmed and stressed about the final test....

To make things worse, my husband lost his job last week, so I'm under even more pressure to pass on the first go because neither of us is making any money right now. I considered quitting school, but he told me that I should stay.

If this boot camp kind of training is supposed to be an indication of what this job is like, I'm not totally sure if its the right one for me :/

Posted:  6 years, 6 months ago

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From 911 to trucking

Thanks y'all!

Today was the start of week two. Last week of classroom study was easy, but now I'm feeling really overwhelmed now thinking about everything I have to learn and whether I'm going to be able to do it all...I really want to be able to pass my test and not have to wait another week!

I'm worried that I made a big mistake doing this :(

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