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Posted: 10 years, 1 month ago
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I just good my license driver class d las October , my question is can i apply for cdl or can I apply for a company to sponsored my training? That's you
Posted: 10 years, 6 months ago
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Hi , I just got my us driving license two days ago, I will like to star a career, but most of the companies that provide Free Truck Driving Schools and-Sponsored CDL Training request a least one year with a us driving license. I will like to know if they are company that don't request this that I can apply?
Posted: 10 years, 6 months ago
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If you have an outside-USA commercial truck licence, you can convert that to a US commercial licence of the same class (NZ Class 4 to US CDL-B, Aussie MC to US CDL-A etc) in a FEW states, but not all states...
Hitting google while I had a Green Card lottery application in found Georgia for one allows non-US commercials to US commercials with no down time...
If you get a US CDL-A by converting your non US licence, then you could probably skip the schools, but you'd still need to do the company training/teaming with a tutor.
Hi thank for reply, I do have a regular driving lincese from outside us ( Dominican republic ) but no a comercial one. I don't wanna skip the training I wanna know if I can get sponsore by a company with just to day with a us driving license because the one I call request a least one year
Posted: 10 years, 6 months ago
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Hi , I just got my us driving license two days ago, I will like to star a career, but most of the companies that provide Free Truck Driving Schools and-Sponsored CDL Training request a least one year with a us driving license. I will like to know if they are company that don't request this that I can apply?
I forget to say I am 32 years old
Posted: 10 years, 6 months ago
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Hi , I just got my us driving license two days ago, I will like to star a career, but most of the companies that provide Free Truck Driving Schools and-Sponsored CDL Training request a least one year with a us driving license. I will like to know if they are company that don't request this that I can apply?
Posted: 9 years, 10 months ago
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Hi, is true I have to wait a year
It's true I have to wait a year after I get my licensed class d to apply for the truck licensed and sponsured company