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Posted: 10 years, 9 months ago
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As I look into the possibility of becoming a trucker, I have a lot of questions. This seems like a great place to get them all answered! I have seen some things about having home time somewhere that isn't home. I guess I am wondering if when you have time off, if they can't get you home, do you just have to take off where you are? Thanks for all the help up to now and going forward!
Posted: 10 years, 9 months ago
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I was wondering about something that could be a big hindrance. I have an umbilical hernia, and I didn't even think about the fact that this could, probably would stop me from passing the physical. It does not bother me at all, and even my Dr. said not to really worry about it unless it really started to bug me. What a bummer!
Posted: 10 years, 9 months ago
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This is probably going to sound wierd, but I think my marriage is actually pretty strong. The biggest problems that we are having at the moment are money based. That is a big part of why I am looking for a better career, instead of a j o b. And, if we just aren't meant to make it, then I need to be doing something where I can afford to support myself.
Posted: 10 years, 9 months ago
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Canyon, TX? That is one of my favorite towns here in TX....spent a lot of time there lol
Well, our finances are in really bad, bad shape. The wife has talked that if it doesn't get better it is definitely over, and it might be anyways. I have nothing but an Associate's in General Studies, and not a whole lot of experience in anything that will pay me enough to not end up homeless. Now I know that being on OTR driver would be hard on the wife and kids, but with the alternatives on the table, it is def worth the chance. I have discovered that one thing I need to be more marketable is a skill. Something to build off of, besides the retail sales and teachers aide past I have. Besides, I have been a teachers aide in elementary school the last three years, so being in a truck would be a nice change!!!
I do have one question too....would depression in any way affect my chances of being a truck driver?
More to come?
Posted: 10 years, 9 months ago
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Well here I am. I am forty years old and thinking about finally becoming a trucker. I have thought about it before, and thought it was pretty cool when I worked at a truck stop for a while. I am getting kinda tired of going job to job and barely making ends meet, and know that it is now time in my life for a career. I am strongly thinking of going to a company sponsored driving school, and narrowed it down to Prime Inc, Knight Transport, and FFE Transport.
I know it is a lifestyle change, and I know that the family can adjust as well. I will have a lot of support, but also will have my fair share of nay sayers as well......I guess maybe everyone does. I am fully prepared to commit a year as an OTR driver and maybe after that I can land with something that is a little bit more regional.
There is actually a hell of a lot more than that going on in my life right now, but I don't really know if anyone will read this, or even care about what I have to type behind a computer. I guess maybe I just needed to get it out somewhere. If anyone wants to know more, has questions or any of that good stuff, I would love to make some new trucking friends before I take the journey myself.
Posted: 10 years, 9 months ago
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DOT Physical Test
That is good news! If you have one too, you know that it doesnt really affect things that much, but it is technically a hernia is why I was concerned. Thanks for the input!