Las Vegas, NV
Driving Status:
Company Driver In Training
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Posted: 10 years, 4 months ago
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Internet is difficult out west, there is no signal. Truck stops have decent wi fi but 100 dollars a year, times 3 for loves, pilot, ta. I have a new driver leader and she is awesome. I get loads back to back now. I researched lots of transporters and so far Swift has met my expectations. There are just so many things out of your control, you have to be PATIENT. What is totally under your control is that CMV. Overall my experience has been tremendous. What a truly huge and beautiful country God has given us.
Posted: 10 years, 4 months ago
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What am I about to get myself into?
I just started with Swift and have no issues. It is tough, and home time is challenging. I am out 3 weeks, 3 days home. My understanding is OTR line driver for 3 months then you can move to regional, or whatever. Two things though, have your finances in order, and be PATIENT. . I cannot over empasize being patient
Posted: 10 years, 6 months ago
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My mentor has been great. He had to endure that screw up with me. We finally deadheaded home and went back out. I only have 40 hrs left. I am in pheonix taking backing school today, and my on the road qualcom test. Another problem is actually getting loads that get you driving hrs. Although we operate as a team now they preplan 300 mile to 670 mile loads. But so far all these issues are minor and it has been great. Ohhh internet is a huge problem so..find free wi fi or pay at truckstops. I will choose paying so I know I will always have a connection some where
Posted: 10 years, 6 months ago
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Now the paperwork. I have to keep paper logs, which have to match the qualcom somewhat. My mentor is rather seious about on duty off duty status. Swift pays only for onduty/driving. So the mentor wants me off duty and swift wants me on. It has been an argument since I started so make sure that is cleared up. I am in Tacoma now and that drive from Vegas was awesome. I love the mountain driving, but msy not in the winter. : ) Ohh with the paperwork you have assesments and call in tests, plus you need to record each backing event. You need 40. The form has blind sides which they tell you not to do. No one has given me the same answer on that. Basically you get 3 or 4 different answers to every question you ask. Seroiusly. You also get different answers from the same person. To keep the peace do what mentor says. By far driving has been most relaxing. I have kept my home affairs in very good order and cannot tell you how important that is. It makes my driving so much better, I feel like a tourist. What a beautiful country we are blessed with.
Posted: 10 years, 6 months ago
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Took about a week and a half. Seems they all know you need it but getting you home is a problem. Not much has happened been on home time. Just going out now : )
Posted: 10 years, 6 months ago
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One problem has come up regarding my temp CDL. I will be on a temporary hold until I produce my hard CDL license. Well the hard cdl is in Las Vegas and I was in Houston. They did route me back to St George Utah, 2 hours from Vegas. This has been very very frustrating. So if you can, wait for your hard copy before you go out with a mentor. Trust me the small amount of wait is well worth it.
Posted: 10 years, 6 months ago
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So far my first week was driving. Put in 2700 miles from Salt Lake to Minnesota, then Laredo, back to Minnesota. My mentor is fantastic and we get along great. A lot to learn, trip planning, operating hrs, qualcom. So far not any big mistakes. Driving is a lil tough in traffic though.
Posted: 10 years, 7 months ago
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I know its just the beginning but it seems like I have climbed a mountain. One of the best things about this journey has been Trucking Truth. What you read across the internet about these companies is completely false. Trucking Truth is the only place I found factual information. Swift orientation was great, My recruiter did not make broad promises and everything he told me was true. I will be based out of Salt Lake City and cannot wait to see this place in the winter. It is beautiful here now. Orientation was hurry up and wait,, but seeing the amount of information that has to be collected, well it takes time. The whole ordeal took three days and was very informative. Swift has been very professional and expects the same from me, NOT A PROBLEM. We went over company policy, expectations, safety, and basically reviewed what we learned in our CDL class. I received a mentor that was my age and also from my home town. Everyone at orientation seemed to be getting mentors from their home towns. The terminal is quite large, and is very modern and it is a very very busy place. Hundreds of drivers passing through daily. But what made me step back, every driver was friendly and happy. I did not see one unhappy driver. So I go out with my mentor tomorrow and finally, see the light at the end of the tunnel. THANK YOU ALL
Brian aka Zero
Posted: 10 years, 4 months ago
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Coded today with Swift
The truck stop internet can get slow, but mcdonalds, etc have free wifi, as do terminals. But like I said internet is tough regardless. As far as eating, I buy one meal a day. It adds up very fast, 10 to 15 dollars to eat. I am bringing a portable grill with me and a single burner butane stove. Yup cook out at rest areas. Have a decent cooler so will see how it goes. Inverters are not permitted, but I see lots of drivers with them. I have a small 400 watt that uses the cig outlets. Keeps pc and stuff charged. But as far as fridge, microwaves only owner operators. If you need one for health reasons they will install it. Starting pay at swift is now 33 to 35 cents per mile