Fort Scott, KS
Driving Status:
Preparing For School
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What's up Trucking Truth! I am a very ambitious, competitive, outgoing, 20 year old, Kansas made and raise father of a gorgeous 7 month year old daughter. I got into trucking after my first job where the first day at the end of my shift I was told to pack my bags because im going to Madison, Wisconsin the next day. I had other interest I had as a job, but that is what started my interest in trucking. I finally decided to make it a career around 4 months ago and ever since then I've been balls to the wall studying (on here), calling recruiters, and showing my commitment to everyone that has been around me of what I plan on doing with my life. In my opinion, people don't give truck drivers enough credit... Truckers THEMSELVES I don't think give themselves enough credit. Anyways if u wanna get to know me or have questions you would like answered, shoot me a private message and I'll get back to ya.
Posted: 10 years, 5 months ago
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I've talked to their recruiters a lot and if family and safety, like me, r major pluses to u then u will love everything they tell u!
Posted: 10 years, 5 months ago
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Hey, what's up everyone sorry i know i have been away for awhile i been moving and studying like crazy on here and forgot all the amazing forum peeps :) Anyways i start trucking school in 3 days here at Fort Scott Community College Trucking School in Fort Scott, Kansas, and I received a pre-hire from Melton out of Tulsa, Oklahoma which is only like 2 hrs and 45 min from here and i am stoked! Amazing starting out pay, in my opinion, $40 tarp pay, and great benefits. I am super excited and more motivated than ever!
Wish me luck everyone!
Posted: 10 years, 6 months ago
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New Documentary Film About Freedom In America Looking For Driver Stories
Im not a truck driver, yet! But i will be attending trucking school this fall/winter and have a very interesting and life changing story, in my opinion. I would be very interested as a new comer to do this.
Email: schenker_kody@yahoo.com
Posted: 10 years, 7 months ago
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Any truck drivers from Kansas or at least midwest???
I've never even been able to see a mountain before... :(
You will just LOVE driving in them lol All that shifting will sure give you a work out;-)
haha I like a pretty decent work out :)
Posted: 10 years, 7 months ago
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Any truck drivers from Kansas or at least midwest???
I've never even been able to see a mountain before... :(
Posted: 10 years, 7 months ago
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I am actually super glad u posted this because I only live like an hour from Joplin... Can anyone tell me what the pay is for Con-Way for right outta school students and if they do flat bed or no?
Posted: 10 years, 7 months ago
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Well excuse my poor manners but what age r u starcar?
She is 21. Leave it at that. I guess Kody you have been married or you would know better than to assume any women are over 21.
In guessing u r being sarcastic ? Lol
Posted: 10 years, 3 months ago
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Hello everyone! Im super sorry I haven't been on here in forever! I have been super busy with truck driving school and my little girl. Ok, down to business... I have gone back in forth with who imma go with right outta school... A lot of companies are very interested in me and I am very interested in me and the one i choose might actually surprise u.. I choose Werner! Melton decided to go with another applicant for an unexplained reason and every one else just doesn't have the combined hometime and pay Werner can offer me. It was a very hard choice between Werner and Schneider National. Both had my heart but Werner it is. Thank u TruckingTruth. I would not be here without this site... I start orientation the 29th and will give day to day updates once orientation starts. Thank u again :)