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Posted: 10 years, 9 months ago
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Solution for on the road sickness
I'd lie to know what drivers are doing when they get sick on the road and then offer up a solution that I use. How often does this happen to you? Twice a year in my case.
Posted: 10 years, 9 months ago
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Solution for on the road sickness
David, Yeah allergies get me also. Let me tell you what a buddy of mine got me hooked on last year. A service called Teladoc. It is usually given through large companies to employees. Companies such as Home Depo, Pepsi, Rent a center etc..
This thing is great. I get sick, I call a number and a doctor calls me back in about 15-20 minutes. He asks questions and diagnoses me on the phone. Or if i'm home a video chat. He can call in my perception and i pick it up in the next town. Love it!
The cool thing is their isn't a copay like i normally have. It is only $15.99 a month for unlimited calls. Get this, it's for the whole family. Same price.
They wont write you the hard stuff like codeine etc.. But for the flue, allergies, and the majority of other basic itms they do. I also get discounts on meds and vision. I love it. You cant get it directly through Teledoc, but can through this benefit company. If you want more info i can get the info for you. I just figured i would talk it up a little.
Oh yeah , its 24/7. Don't have to take junior in at night as much