San Antonio, TX
Driving Status:
In CDL School
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Ready to start this new career and look forward to the lifestyle. I enjoy travel, meeting new people, and discovering new places. Wish me luck as I pursue this endevour!
Posted: 10 years, 3 months ago
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Swift Training Dallas Texas December 2014 Studying Hard
Also Pepper, if you go to C1, you'll be trained in everything you need to pass all of the tests. It's less of a high pressure situation and some of the students I started with 2 weeks ago just now finally passed the written tests. I wouldn't recomend that though because it cuts into your driving time but the point is that they are flexible and will work with you.
Posted: 10 years, 3 months ago
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Swift Training Dallas Texas December 2014 Studying Hard
Pepper, sounds like you've got a good plan worked out. I went to Corsicana for the first day of training with Swift but my recruiter failed to mention that I needed the General Knowledge, Airbrake, & pre-trip tests taken. They sent me home and I took my tests the next day but then decided to go with USA Truck and I'm currently attending the C1 school in Ft. Worth. If you have any questions regarding that, just let me know
Posted: 10 years, 3 months ago
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Mike I'm currently attending C1 in Ft. Worth, TX and can give you a little bit of info about how the school operates. The first week will be spent going over the material needed to pass your permit tests. I arrived with all of my written tests passed so I just reviewed the information and started memorizing things like pre-trip items and the Airbrake test. It was a long week of not doing much and I wished I could've gotten to the practice range early but they had too many students there already. The next week we started with straight line backing then moved to 45° backing. That's what I did mon-thur over and over again. I finally got assigned a road trainer and drove for the first time on Friday. Next week I'll get more road practice as well as parallel parking and going over the DPS testing route on Monday and Tuesday then take my road test wed. I'm told we have to take another 45° backing test at the practice range to graduate which is very easy. That is the 3 week schedule for the drivers solutions students (Pam & USA). If you are a C1 student (not committed to any company) then you will have another week of instruction. It is a lot of waiting and repetition until you get on the road then it's very quick paced and lots of new info. If you have any specific questions that I didn't answer, just let me know.
Posted: 10 years, 3 months ago
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Same here. I drove to my school which was 5 hours away. Totally worth it to have transportation the entire time. I'm already making plans to figure out out how to get to orientation and I can assure you it won't be by bus.
Posted: 10 years, 3 months ago
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Swift Training Dallas Texas December 2014 Studying Hard
Hey Pepper, any updates on your progress? I'm interested to see how it's going with Swift
Posted: 10 years, 4 months ago
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A month of trucking with Daniel B.
Speaking of acronyms, I'm thinking they should've used them at the terminal. Nothing like advertising high value loads, right here! Lol! I know it's at a safe terminal and all but you never know.
Posted: 10 years, 4 months ago
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Starting tomorrow with Swift in Dallas, then onto Corsicana
You'll be staying at a fairly new La Quinta when you get to Corsicana and they have 3 weeks worth of classes staying there. There is a full sized school bus there in the morning to pick you up and take you to the facility which is about 10 minutes away. Good luck to you
Posted: 10 years, 4 months ago
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This is what the Texas manual says as well. Just read the current edition yesterday.
Posted: 10 years, 4 months ago
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Swift class start date of Nov. 24th is finally here
Well I had to go home as well but not because I forgot anything, just a lack of communication. In Texas there are 5 written parts to the Cdl, when you go the the DMV and ask to take the permit tests, they give you 2 tests that are needed for that, the Combinations and Commercial Rules. You can also take the Pre-Trip, Airbrake, & General Knowledge. Because I applied on Friday the 21st and was contacted by Swift on Sat the 22nd and drove to Corsicana on the 23rd, I didn't have time to take the remaining 3 anyways (I had taken the 2 basic tests in order to have my permit already) but when speaking with the recruiter, I mentioned that I had my permit, passport, & twic and she said great. She never mentioned that I needed to have the other 3 tests done before arriving. Well there were several that also didn't have all 5 tests completed and rather than have those who were ready wait, the instructor decided to have us just start next Monday. I really wanted to just go to the local DMV and take the tests and get back in class because I was prepared (thanks High Road!) but it wasn't an option so no big deal, I drove back to San Antonio and went to the DMV and finished the testing. So now I'll start Dec 1st and will have the opportunity to enjoy thanksgiving with my family. As a reminder, if you're a Texas resident and planning on attending the Swift Academy in Corsicana, make sure you have the 5 tests completed and also make sure the permit is no longer that 90 days old, that was an issue for one student. Bring all of your paperwork to the classroom also, several left theirs in the hotel room the first day. Other than that, the instructor seems great, and I'm looking forward to next Monday!
Posted: 10 years, 3 months ago
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My Millis Transfer Training in Burleson, Texas.
Sounds like everything is going pretty good for you. Good luck on passing you driving test and keep us updated with your progress at Millis.