Bainbridge, PA
Driving Status:
In CDL School
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Attending a Local CDL Trainning School
Posted: 10 years, 7 months ago
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Lancaster County Career and Technology Center LCCTC
I am in PA. Im waiting for carrerlink to recieve funding so I can attend this school. Can anyone help me with their experience attending this truck school? But mainly whats stressing me is that I had to go take tests to show im not a idiot and worth the funding so I so all rhe stuff and im told we are waiting to get more funding when 4 5 weeka ago careerlink had funding and id be good to go but now have to stay active in the program to get funding does anyone know whats going on with rhis funding? All I hear is october at the erliest and my test scores put me in front of the line to get it they say anyone in PA arwa going through this
Posted: 10 years, 7 months ago
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Medications your allowed to take?
I had my doc write a letter for me and other than a typo abrevating CDL I think he typed CDM I need to look I kniw the llast letter is wrong but he put that ive been on it for 10 years and that I can operate a CDL under the medication. I spoke to the school im waiting on for funding and the lady did say I should be fine they really are concererned about high blood pressure and diabetes. Im hoping to attend Lancater county career and tech center in mt joy PA anyone have any reviews for the school
Posted: 10 years, 7 months ago
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HEY IM ALSO GOING THROUGH LANCASTER CAREER LINK IM CUERENTLY FINISHING READY TO WORK TESTS TOMMROW HAVE YOU BEEN TOLD THE SAME THING I HAVE THAT FUNDING FOR CDL TRAINNG WONT BE AVAILABLE TILL OCTOBER AT ITS EARLIEST. THATS WHAT MY CAREER COACH IS NOW TELLING ME??? If your already signed up with funding how did you manage to get The funding xause cause I could have been placed in the july 7th cdl class At LCCTC but I was told I need to wait for the funding to become available which wont be till October 2014 at thw earliest
Posted: 10 years, 7 months ago
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Im looking to get my cdl and I have had my license suspended for outstanding fines but once I dicoverered I owed them I paid them right away within a month or two of reciving notice most came after I relocated and was a matter of not reciving mail to pay for my fines but with swift I read I can't have any suspension with 3 yrs and I belive that it has been less than three years
Posted: 10 years, 8 months ago
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Medications your allowed to take?
Im new here and waiting on funding from my career link center to begin cdl school. I was reading how one trainee was told he couldnt take certian pain meds while driving. I take adderall for ADHD does anyone know if that will be a issue for me when getting my physical im in PA if it matters just dont want to go start school then be told I couldn't continue because of my medication.
Posted: 10 years, 3 months ago
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Class-A CDL Holder in Training to One Day Become a Trucker
Today I went to PennDOT and finished testing for all my class A CDL endorsments. I'm now three weeks into my Trainning at LCCTC's CDL trainning program. This past week I have spent going out on the road with two students and a instructor and if you spoke to me Tuesday I would have told you that I may have gotten into a career path that was to much for me to handle. I had gone out on the public roads for my first time behind the wheel of a tractor trailer and all I can say is that all the practice in the yard shifting and backing into the loading box everything went right out the window. It wasnt that I forgot how to double clutch or down shift I think I became so overwelmed I messed myself up overthinking everything. I didnt risk anyones life or have any close calls I just did alot of dumb mistakes like shift up from 6th to 9th and let out the clutch with my foot still on the brake making the tractor stall twice I might add. So yea after school tuesday I was definitely questioning if im the right person to become a steering wheel holder let alone work to become a trucker. So that night I said to myself I need to just relax and take it one trip at a time if I show im making progress ea h time behind the wheel then ill be happy. So the next morning we go out do our pre trip inspection then air brake test and then back out on the road we went. I guess the talk I had with myself worked. I was geting my shifts in both up and down and the couple times I didnt get into a gear I was able to quickly correct myself and get back into a gear. My turns were good and every day since ive progressed. I need to fine tune my shifting but for the most part im alot more confident and excited to progress thess next two weeks test out and go on and train with a trucking company that I have applied with. hopefully this coming week ill hear from those companies and know what companies I have pre hires with. Ive been reading aall the blogs and trucking company bios on here as well as for the past six months while waiting for the funding to attend school the high road trainning program on here really prepared me for my permit test and my endorsements. Im really glad I founs this site and I am planning to begin with this being my first post document my start at becoming a truck driver. I welcome anyone to reply with whatever feed back you may see fit positive or negative. I definitely know im far from calling myself a professional trucker however my goal is to one day have the knowledge skills and experience to call myself one.