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Posted: 10 years, 8 months ago
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Thanks for all the input guys. So yesterday I get home from my 9-5 and I talk to my wife about trucking. She was completely supportive of me doing it. OTR or local, she says we'll do what we have to do. What a great wife. A few minutes later I get an email from a potential employer in a. 9-5 I really wanted. Then NETTS calls and rescheduals our appointment. If I get this job I won't be becoming a trucker ( this year. ) if not , I'm moving forward with my pursuit of the new life. Stay tuned.
Posted: 10 years, 8 months ago
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This thread is a must read. I started and couldn't stop reading. I just had to see if he made it through each step. https://www.truckingtruth.com/truckers-forum/Topic-2938/Page-1/roehl-driver-training-from-start-to-end
What an amazing, hard working dude.
I just hope I have half the tenacity of this cat.
Thanks AJ I'll read it for sure.
Posted: 10 years, 8 months ago
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Hello all, After a lifetime of working my ass off in the 9-5 world I got laid off 2 years ago. I have hit an age discrimination wall I can't seem to penetrate. Every job I go for I loose to someone younger. I am currently working a job any 18 year old can do for. $15.00 an hour. I watch trucks drive by my building every few minutes all day long. And I dream, why not me? I can do that. I talk to every local driver who comes to my loading dock and they all say the same thing. Driving sucks compare to what it used to be. One guy has been doing it for 39 years and only makes 22.00 an hour working for ABF. I still want to drive.
I have a recruiter for a privet school NETTS in Andover Ma coming over Saturday to tell me about school. I would rather go to a trucking school for swift or prime or something. But I'm not sure what direction to take yet.
Are there any companies that I can do my year out of New England so I can do OTR but still return to NE and see my family? Most seem to be everywhere but the east coast. Can I do training then do my year driving local? Should I pay for NETTS so I can start with local job? So many questions. If I didn't have a 10 year old son, I would just go drive OTR anywhere. But I'm not sure if my family can adjust to me almost never being home with him being so young right now. Last of all, how do they get you home for your off time if your doing all your driving out west somewhere?
And Last last of all. What kind of income can I really expect to make? I have years of debt to payoff thanks to this economy.
Thanks to all who reply. I honestly can't wait to change my life and work in a world where I'm not that old man who can't find a decent job.
Posted: 10 years, 7 months ago
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Starting a new career at 56
Well here's this weeks update. I met with the NETTTS rep and school would last 22 weeks. 22 WEEKS! I could have half a year of a committed contract done and tons of miles under my belt in that time. Not to interested in commiting to a full time job and school at the same time. So I'm leaning towards a company school. On the. 9-5 front. I am in touch with the hiring manager but I've learned that waiting for the interview call means they are looking for someone more qualified. I still have hope but not as much. Anyway, happy 4th to everyone and be safe out there. Paul .