Charlotte, MI
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Company Driver In Training
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Posted: 10 years, 1 month ago
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How long does it take for a company to contact you after they receive an application ?
So make them look at it. Once your app goes in it's tagged to a recruiter. They are always being sent applications kinda why there are always 10 to 25 guys/girls sent to orientations weekly. The funny thing is their job is to do one thing. Recruit. Don't wait 2 days. Call them Once your app is in (during office hours obviously). What's the worst that is going to happen? Nothing. Nothing bad what's so ever is going to happen.
Posted: 10 years, 1 month ago
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How long does it take for a company to contact you after they receive an application ?
I've called about twenty minutes after sending an app online. They have the information instantaneous. And most companies will have you fill as electronic app even if you've done the paper form.
Posted: 10 years, 1 month ago
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Leaving for Prime training Saturday, some questions
Yeah that makes sense Deb. I knew there would be some things i would mix up. Thank you. :-)
Posted: 10 years, 1 month ago
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Leaving for Prime training Saturday, some questions
Haha yeah i know its a long video, unfortunately that's how long it is when youre walking around learning it and when you're testing on it. But when you're in your own truck it will be a lot easier. Which reminds me just remember not all truck/ trailers are the same. Some semi trailers are without abs. Some trucks have gear driven or belt driven engine components (the alternator, water pump, air compressor, gear box* ) i just started myself so there might be more or less that i forgot.
And the acronyms that Road Hog mentioned are really important too. When you do the break lining think DOG dirt oil grease. ( i would check to make sure there is no dirt, oil, our grease.) Lol
Front tires are no less then 3/32nds debt, no recaps allowed.
The other tires are no less then 2/32nds. Recaps allowed.
You would check tire stems with a air pressure gauge.
Serpentine belt is no more then 1/4" of play (im not confident in my answer.)
Break lining is no less then 1/4"
Marker lights shine
Flashers flash
Clearance lights are white in color
Marker lights are yellow
When you're doing the the air check proper level is between 100 psi to 120 psi. Your buzzar and indicator will come on at 60 psi. And the spring breaks will come on between 20 and 45.
The fire extinguisher needs to be rated 5 bcu for non hazardous material, 10 bcu if you're carrying hazardous material. It needs to be fully charged, mounted, and it must have a gauge.
You need three reflective triangles.
Spare electrical fuses.
*Again i just finished so if your instructor says different follow them. I'm pretty confident in my info, but maybe I'm mixing things up. There's a lot of information you have to know. Break it down you have a long time to remember everything. If you haven't gotten your permit yet don't worry about this yet. Read the tool on this site. (I don't know what it's called.) And grab the book from your dmv/Secretary of state. You won't need this until after you get the tip
Posted: 10 years, 1 month ago
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Leaving for Prime training Saturday, some questions
Check out "Heavy Metal Truck Training Inspection" by hmtt2012 watch it over, and over, and over again. The beginning is the engine compartment the end is the in cab.
I used to use a treadmill and just watch this video before class. Then at lunch i would eat and watch this video. Lol there's a lot of info you have to absorb so take it in pieces (i would watch the first portion back to back in case i missed something). Good luck
Posted: 10 years, 1 month ago
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From my understanding most companies want at least a year of otr or at the very least 6 months. Just keep chipping chief. I know it's a bummer but the more leads you put out there the better off you are. When you talk to the recruiters ask regional positions. I know Werner had those classic Dollar General accounts. But be warned I've heard time and time again that this loads are a giant task. You might have to compromise.
I first applied at the companies that used "intelliapp" because most of the info was already there. Then made a word document with the stuff that dropped off. I was doing an average of 6 apps a hour. Then I went back and did the companies that used different application methods.
Posted: 10 years, 2 months ago
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Wait so put it on or don't. Lol But I'll probably still put it on. I don't need my past biting be in the butt.
Posted: 10 years, 2 months ago
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The second incident doesn't come up on the mvr. At least I didnt see it on there. But i know it would be suicide not to mention it.
Posted: 10 years, 2 months ago
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Furthermore I had an accident (besides one in 08) or moving violation before. But because I recently was involved in two accidents rerecently I'm given a no. Thats plain dumb. Had they happen a year ago I would be fine and was "encouraged" to reapply in 9 months.
Its the company saying no, its the insurance. They can't put a person who has had two accidents within a short time get behind the wheel of an 80k lb rig. thats got lawsuit written all over it.
Don't give up, keep working on safe driving, get the 9 months they ask and then go for it again.
That make a lot of sense, I see what you mean. Thank You!
Posted: 10 years, 1 month ago
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How long does it take for a company to contact you after they receive an application ?
Fyi I've called Prime, Werner, Schneider, PTL, WEL, May and countless others without them complaining about calling them. Navajo was the only one that asked me to call back later that day. And Swift was a pain at reaching but i knew who my recruiter was right after my first phone call.