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Preparing For School
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Just started.. well actually haven't even started yet. I will start my first training in October of '14 just here to ask a few questions before hand.
Posted: 10 years, 7 months ago
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So, I read about prime as that is the school/employer I am looking at. But I have a small question.
I believe that I have read that if you do x-amount of miles then you will get x-amount of time off. (I think it was a month.)
First off, I'm not sure if this was actually on prime, or some one talking on behalf of prime so I might be barking up the wrong tree here.
But assuming I'm right, (and I think I am) what is the miles, and how long typically did it take you to get to that time off? (Sorry for the rambling have been up all night with my current job, so thoughts are kind of scattered at the moment)
Posted: 10 years, 7 months ago
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Having the experience you do now, if you could offer only one piece of advice to your younger self during your first year, what would you say.
Posted: 10 years, 7 months ago
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Heh, I work that 12-14 hours a day now, and know exactly what you mean about working then sleep, wash, rinse, repeat. And that's driving too.
At least with trucking there's less down time then in a cab. And less people trying to throw up.
Posted: 10 years, 7 months ago
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So from reading a few posts here as well as other sites I've found there's a rather high turn over for trucking jobs (which explains the quick hire process) but my question is why?
I understand that you're away from home 90% of the year (roughly) and so I know there's a toll on the home life, but is that really the only factor being played here? Or is that just the biggest one with a thousand little ones?
Posted: 10 years, 7 months ago
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So I know its probably more based on company, but say there is a convention in Seattle. And I've been with the company (actually driving, and done with the training) for a year or so. Would it be likely (assuming the company goes to to Seattle) that I'd be able to request or how ever the process is, that I get a load going out to WA state, or is it more of a "Maybe you'll get it maybe you wont" type of situation?
Posted: 10 years, 7 months ago
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Prime question?
Vacation time is what I was referring to.