Profile For SAMUEL C.

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  • Location:
    Chattanooga, TN

  • Driving Status:
    Experienced Driver

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    10 years, 8 months ago


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Posted:  5 years ago

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Should I become a truck driver or keep working as a nurse ?

Aby M.

I was a pediatric/neonatal Flight respiratory therapist for 20 yrs and gave it up to jump in a truck. As a rookie, the pay difference was drastic and had to learn to more with less. Six years later, I’m making more now than I was in the hospital.

I have met lawyers, doctors and bank managers, who gave up the white collar word, to become a Knight is the Highway.

Posted:  8 years ago

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Tough lesson learned, and SO embarrassed

A dropped loaded trailer makes a very distinct sound, many of us have heard, few will admit it was their fault. I came very close one trip and to this day, I am still "gun shy." In this profession, there are just somethings you have to learn on your own, and some of these lessons leave lasting impressions on us, listen for the jaws to engage and then do a visual inspection. When in doubt, check it out.

Posted:  8 years, 1 month ago

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The time has come

First, I would like to thank Brett and all the moderators on TT. Their input in invaluable. They have helped in ways I couldn't imagine, when I first started driving. Next week, I start with a new company. It's going to be a big change, going from flatbed to dry van, home more often and making more money doing it. I've waited for this opportunity for awhile. For the newbies, no matter how bad you think it is/gets, stick with your first company for at least a year, maybe two, keep a clean MVR and you can write your ticket to anywhere.

Posted:  8 years, 1 month ago

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Tenn. DOT changes vital bridge weight limit without warning

From this article:


[TDOT regional spokesperson Kathryn] Schulte said the restriction will affect some tractor trailers, but not all. The weight limit is set at 21 tons and will primarily affect loaded tractor trailers.


So what are you guys complaining about?rofl-1.gif

I guess I will have to wait on that load of "sailboat fuel", easy to tarp and secure.

Posted:  8 years, 1 month ago

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Tenn. DOT changes vital bridge weight limit without warning

Yeah, running up 48 from ****son is about the best route.

Get their attention by pulling up to he bridge when people are trying to get home, turn on the flashers, pull the yellow knob and cell the sheriff's office for help.

The only way something like this gets fixed or even noticed is for people to be an inconvenienced.

There is a low weight limit sign over a small bridge on that stretch of highway I noticed yesterday. No warning signs either

Posted:  8 years, 1 month ago

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Tenn. DOT changes vital bridge weight limit without warning

Welcome to the Worldof Beauracracy. Its a WONDERFUL THING!


The unfortunate issue is, a driver will catch a hefty fine, unbeknownst to him, that he would be unable to cross it. THP or the local sheriff dept will be waiting. As I heard a driver put it " it's at trap, and once you turn on to the highway, you are at the point of no return".

Posted:  8 years, 1 month ago

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Tenn. DOT changes vital bridge weight limit without warning

CLARKSVILLE, Tenn. (WZTV) — TDOT has reduced the weight limit on the heavily-traveled McClure Bridge over the Cumberland River in Clarksville to 21 tons, which means it's now off limits to loaded 18-wheelers.

This is a vital bridge to those of use who haul rolled paper to a Georgia Pacific gypsum plant and sheet rock out. My company issued a alternate route for us to take. I noticed yesterday as I was leaving the plant, that this approved route also has a small bridge that TDOT has lowered to 21T.

What's surprising (not really) , is there are no warning signs prior to either of these bridges and there is no way around them, nowhere to turn around, you're trapped.

Posted:  8 years, 2 months ago

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**TruckingTruth's 10 Year Anniversary!!!**

Happy Anniversary and Congratulations Brett!!

Posted:  8 years, 3 months ago

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Happy Thanksgiving. For those at hope,enjoy the family time. For my brothers and sisters on the road, my heart is with you and your family, God speed

Posted:  8 years, 4 months ago

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McElroy Truck Lines

Hey guys my names josh I'm in middle of CDL training . I've had CDL for year but never driven big rigs just straight work trucks with bumper pull trailers. So I'm making the switch to big rigs . I trying to make my mind up on company to try to go to work for after. I'm looking into Mcelrory as I'm located in dierks Arkansas just hour north of Texarkana . And also considering Maverick . I live by A Weyerhaeuser lumber mill have you heard of they haul any lumber for them. I'm looking for dedicated and local routes . And infonyou can give id welcomed I'm a big guy 6-1 300 lbs with a cpap. Thanks in advanever guys

I know we haul out of that area, just as parrothead stated, you may inquire if they have a dedicated out of the certainteed plant in Nashville

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