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Posted: 10 years, 4 months ago
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The first interview consisted of three different interviews with three different people which lasted about 3 hours then the testing was about an hour. I have met with the hiring manager two more times since the first interview sessions then a physical with their doctor and then an ability test.
Posted: 10 years, 4 months ago
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It's been a long process, I graduated school and got my CDL 9/23. I took the final test at Dot today. The CDS ability test. It was quite the workout for this old man but I passed it. I start orientation on the 27th.
Posted: 10 years, 6 months ago
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Next week is my last week of school at the John Wood Community College Truck Driving Course. I will be testing all week next week then I'm scheduled to take my Missouri CDL test next Friday. I have had a couple job offers but haven't decided on where I'm going yet.
Posted: 10 years, 7 months ago
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That's great. I take mine in the morning.
Posted: 10 years, 7 months ago
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At times it felt like an interrogation. Each interviewer had a list of questions they each went through. Each question was designed to see how I handled different situations. The tests was a four page math test and a four page D.O.T. test.
Posted: 10 years, 7 months ago
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Yeah four hours. There where three different interviewers and another person administering tests and paper work. Then if they decide to offer me a position there will be a driving test, agility test, drug test, an 8 day orientation and 6 to 8 weeks with a trainer.
Posted: 10 years, 7 months ago
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I don't start school until 8/18 but I applied with Dot Foods in Mt Sterling IL a few days ago and got called for an interview this morning. The interview lasted just over four hours and was very thorough but I think it went well. Now just waiting for the background check to come back and should hear something with in a week. Anyone have any experience with Dot good or bad?
Posted: 10 years, 7 months ago
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Am I crazy to think I can do this at my age?
Thanks, My wife and I are trying to make a decision over the weekend so I can get the ball rolling on Monday. This will be a big lifestyle change for us.
Posted: 10 years, 7 months ago
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Am I crazy to think I can do this at my age?
I'm wondering if I'm out of mind to think someone at 55 years old who has never even been in a big truck before can start a new career as a truck driver? I have owned my own business for over 13 years and due to the economy I was forced to close it. I have always been interested in truck driving but never pursued it. I talked with my local career center agent about qualifying for the WIA Program and was told they thought I would. I'm considering John Wood College in Quincy IL for classes. Am I wasting my time at my age? Will anyone hire a new driver who is 55 years old?
Posted: 9 years, 3 months ago
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First year down.
Got through my first year and it has been a challenge but mostly good challenges. in my first year I have been trough mountains, 40 mph winds, blinding thunder & rain storms, ice storms, snow storm, dust storms I think they call those dustnados in Oklahoma. blew a steer tire at about 65 mph. I have met all kinds of people from all over the world some I like some I don't but they all are interesting. I'm usually home two days a week which I guess isn't t bad but can take some life adjustments if you're not used to that life style. They told me it would start getting a little easer after my first year. It has been easer. I feel like I have got most of the basics down and now working on learning how to be a real trucker. I had a guy tell me after five years you know everything there is to know. I'm not sure I agree with that. I learn something new every time I go out.