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Considering A Career
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Posted: 10 years, 5 months ago
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Im really confused as to what abortion and driving for covenant have to do with one another? Isnt this truck driving? We are all entitled to our own opinions in any given topic but that really has no place on this board. Being as though your a man Im sure that abortion wouldnt apply to you so no worries. Now I have know a guy who worked for covenant. Matter of fact 2 and they both seemed to like it.
Are you referring to me? I thought Guy said the the abortion issue in this thread was closed. Why you trying to revive it?
Had I been referring to you I would have just quoted your post. I was catching up on the boards and happened to reply to this one. No one has the final say on any thread on this board so I wasnt aware that Guy "closed" the issue. I gave an opinion. Sorry to whomever takes offense or doesnt like it . But next time feel free to pm with any concerns you have..
No need to get defensive. I assusmed you were talking to me since you said, "Being as though your a man Im sure that abortion wouldn't apply to you so no worries." And I do believe Guy can ,since he is a moderator, close a thread. And PM's don't seem to work on here, at least I have never had any luck with them. Perhaps you could have PM'd who you werer referrring to.
Posted: 10 years, 5 months ago
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Im really confused as to what abortion and driving for covenant have to do with one another? Isnt this truck driving? We are all entitled to our own opinions in any given topic but that really has no place on this board. Being as though your a man Im sure that abortion wouldnt apply to you so no worries. Now I have know a guy who worked for covenant. Matter of fact 2 and they both seemed to like it.
Are you referring to me? I thought Guy said the the abortion issue in this thread was closed. Why you trying to revive it?
Posted: 10 years, 5 months ago
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Pro Life letter huh? Really hate thing that take away freedom of choice....
Really hate that our society see's killing babies as an acceptabale choice...
Posted: 10 years, 7 months ago
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Any truck drivers from Kansas or at least midwest???
I'm an Iowa boy, I'll admit it. Been here most of my life. Kansas you say? Well, at least its not Missouri.
Easy now :) Don't be bad mouthing us Missouri boys
Posted: 10 years, 7 months ago
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Are there any magazines that cater to the truck driving industry? Not Internet magazines, I mean actual magazines that I could subscribe to and receive in the mail.
Posted: 10 years, 7 months ago
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Attending Church while trucking
Have you considered streaming a Mass? I know "Word on Fire" (Fr. Robert Barron) has sermons on his web-site or EWTN as well. If you find yourself on the road you can still catch a streamed Mass and then do Communion when you are on home time or are lucky enough to find a church you can get to on the road.
Oh Yeah I forgot that EWTN has daily mass. If all else fails that will work. Thanks!
Posted: 10 years, 7 months ago
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Attending Church while trucking
Though if you find yourself doing an overnight or reset, you could certainly look up the nearest parish, give them a call and see if some kind parishioner would be able to come pick you up at a WalMart of Truck Stop. WalMarts would be the better bet, as they are usually located closer to town - versus Truck Stops, which are usually a little more "off the beaten path".
Good idea, I never thought of that.
Posted: 10 years, 7 months ago
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Attending Church while trucking
Hello all. I plan to attempt to become a successful truck driver in a few years as my next career. Having been in law enforcement for 25 years I feel that I can handle the stress of the lifestyle, although I know it is a whole different kind of stress. I have wanted to do this for several years now but I felt I had to stick it out in my current job to get the early retirement.
So now that I am getting closer to realizing my dream, I have a couple questions.
As a devout Catholic, it is important to me to attend Mass every week. Or at least every other week, I know it is probably not realistic to expect this every week.
Are there any companies out there that would work with me to at least be able to take a couple hours out of my saturday evening or sunday morning if I am near a town in order to attend Mass?
Also, with my pension, I will only need to make about $20,000.00/year to replace my current income so I won't have the stress of having to get maximum miles all the time.
One more question if you don't mind. Are there any Christian truck driver groups, or organizations, that you know of. I plan to treat this new career as a truck driver as a ministry as well.
Thanks, I appreciate you all.
Posted: 10 years, 5 months ago
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Covenant Transport
I sincerely apologize and yes lets continue with trucking.