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Posted: 2 years, 9 months ago
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Electric trucking companies hiring?
Electric trucks are cleaner, don't pollute the air with toxic diesel fumes.
Posted: 2 years, 9 months ago
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Electric trucking companies hiring?
Anyone know of any electric trucking companies hiring in Columbus,OH?
Posted: 4 years, 2 months ago
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Green trucking outfits hiring?
I want to work for a trucking company that runs on only natural gas or electric. Does anyone know of any green trucking companies hiring in Columbus, Oh?
Posted: 6 years, 8 months ago
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The brotherhood of DMV and Insurance company hell - rant
I work from home. I don't want to drive anymore and will sell my car. The car hasn't been driven in months. Last month I did not renew my insurance and let my coverage lapse. 2 weeks later I get a letter from DMV that states..."Ohio State law sends out random letters requiring to show proof of insurance on July 1." Well I did not have insurance on July 1 because I did not renew. So now I am being fined.
It's the law to carry insurance on all registered vehicles. I get that. But save me the BS of this "random letter" sent out to Ohioans. It is not random. My insurance company notified the DMV when I refused pay my insurance bill to keep lining their greedy pocketbooks.
I am being fined by DMV and have to carry an SR22 or they will suspend my license. I am being forced to carry insurance -- or sell the car immediately and still be fined by not carrying insurance and one day. The government tries to grab everyone by the balls to get them to be "good little citizens" and comply. There is definitely a brotherhood between DMV and Insurance companies. They watch each others backs.
Anyone deal with this BS?
Posted: 6 years, 11 months ago
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Wishy-washy decision vs. concrete decision.
I have my preference, but it's culture and finance related.
Build a life that suits you best. Don't worry about what anyone else is doing.
Two great quotes right there. Thanks fellas.
Posted: 6 years, 11 months ago
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Wishy-washy decision vs. concrete decision.
I am at a point in my life where I want to keep my CDL...but I am stumped as to which state I want to live in for the rest of my life? No place is home for me. I guess that what travelling does to a man.
I've travelled all over. I have lived in Arizona 3 times, Florida 3 times, Illinois 2 times, Iowa, Washington, and Oklahoma. My family is in Arizona and Florida and I love the social life - but I don't like either state because its too friggin hot. 100 degree temps, extreme dry air or extreme humid heat, and pollen year round causes my allergies to flare up.
And Illinois(which is home) I cant transfer CDL into and many of my friends/family left.
I've constructed pros/cons lists. What I discovered is that all states have major pros and major cons. I thought of Oklahoma since its cheap living there--but I no one there. NYC would be cool to visit, but not to live.
Since many of you have been all 49 states which state appeals to you most and why?
Posted: 7 years ago
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Tough decision. Giving up CDL.
Good point fellas. You both offered a different perspective on things. I did bust my rear to get it and succeeded in the end.
I am keeping my CDL for life.
Posted: 2 years, 9 months ago
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Electric trucking companies hiring?
Bird-one what do you mean by that comment? You knew what was coming?