New Braunfels, TX
Driving Status:
Rookie Solo Driver
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No Bio Information Was Filled Out. Must be a secret.
Posted: 10 years, 3 months ago
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Looking for a good (always updated) app for iPhone of CFR 49. Anyone know of any?
Posted: 10 years, 4 months ago
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Dave, you may think I'm crazy, but I want to challenge you to forget about even looking at that Texas CMV handbook. Trust me on this - you're going to ace those exams just by using the High Road Training Program and you're retention of the material will be there whenever you need it. I hope you'll take my advice, because I can guarantee you it's solid and proven.
I know this statement was a year old, but Old School, you are right on the money! I aced all five tests in one sitting because of this site! My school helped, but trust me, it wasn't THAT much.
Posted: 10 years ago
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PTSD and Trucking
I too was retired from the Army due to combat injuries and PTSD (13 years). I have been doing this for two months with my company and the absolute BEST help (for me) is having my Blue Heeler mix with me. She knows me inside and out and always calms me. I am seriously thinking about making her a service dog (which I am allowed to have). I don't know how the industry looks at drivers with "service dogs" though.
Any Vet with PTSD that is a dog lover should have one. This is by far the best medicine that has worked for me. I am to the point where I now see and FEEL hope in my life! I know not everyone will understand but it's such a great feeling to feel almost "normal" again. It's been years since Ive been able to have these feelings.
I hope this input helps someone else like it's helped me.