Midlands, SC
Driving Status:
Considering A Career
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Over 50.
Posted: 9 years, 11 months ago
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Any lawyers on this forum or anyone who could shed some light?
Thanks Bud A.. And yes, there is some erroneous info on my DAC that I am in the process of trying to get removed.
Posted: 9 years, 11 months ago
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Any lawyers on this forum or anyone who could shed some light?
Thanks Old School! Any opinion on what becomes of the information HireRight (DAC) have on drivers? What about the companies who have used information from or sent to them about drivers?
This question isn't to you specifically Old School.
Are there any lawyers on this forum who could/would like to weigh in?
Posted: 9 years, 11 months ago
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Any lawyers on this forum or anyone who could shed some light?
Actually, HireRight/USIS is one of the debtor companies filing for bankruptcy. The notice was sent to see if there are creditors who would have an objection to the named companies filing bankruptcy. Basically companies or individuals who these companies owe money too. There are a slew of companies listed as debtors many of whom have used different names of the years.
HireRight used to be USIS.
HireRight Solutions, Inc. used to be known as: USIS Commercial Services, Inc.; Transportation Information Services, Inc. d/b/a DAC (Drive-A-Check) Services; Total Information Services, Inc.
HireRight Records Services, Inc. used to be known as USIS Records Services, Inc.; Due Diligence, Inc.
HireRight, Inc. used to be known as HireRight.com, Inc.; Dynanet, Inc.; Hamwindows, Inc.; California Software, Inc.; William T. Baker and Associates, Inc. and Nannycare, LA, Inc. (don't know what's up with that name!)
USIS International, Inc used to be The Smith Corporation
Altegrity, Inc used to be US Investigations Services, Inc.. All of these companies are one and the same.
So they are definitely filing for bankruptcy.
Posted: 9 years, 11 months ago
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Any lawyers on this forum or anyone who could shed some light?
Reason I'm asking - I just received a letter in the mail from a bankruptcy court in Delaware concerning a bankruptcy filing by a company named Altegrity. Normally I would have ignored this letter but when reading through it I noticed it listed the names of the debtors seeking chapter 11 bankruptcy protection. Low and behold some of the listed companies are: HireRight Records Services, Inc.; HireRight Solutions, Inc.; HireRight Technologies Group, Inc.; HireRight, Inc.; US Investigations Services, LLC.; USIS International, Inc. and USIS Worldwide, Inc. This is soliciting peoples objections to the aforementioned action.
For those who may not know - HireRight/USIS are the company many major carriers use to place information on a CDL A holders DAC report. Many carriers use this company to determine if a driver is hireable or not based on the information reported by the drivers previous employers. Many carriers have placed some not so honest information on a driver in these reports.
Anyone know anything about this and what effect (if any) will this have on a drivers future employment opportunities and the information previously reported on a driver?
Will this negate any information previously used against a driver?
Curious to know if a driver can seek legal action against this company for information it has submitted to companies about him/her?
Posted: 9 years, 11 months ago
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Excellent Video re: Your SCR & DEF Systems
Excellent Jopa! Thanks!!!
Posted: 9 years, 11 months ago
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Sorry to hear this Ernie. Hope they caught it in its early stages. Sending prayers your way. Get well soon!
Posted: 9 years, 11 months ago
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Looks like being honest just burnt one bridge.....
Thanks Robert! I'll pass on the coffee (gives me liquid bowels, LOL) and diet coke. I'll just make sure to not drink any water before the test. Be safe and good luck in school.
Posted: 9 years, 11 months ago
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Looks like being honest just burnt one bridge.....
..."I wish I would have found this site because all of this" should have been "I wish I would have found this site before all of this"
Posted: 9 years, 11 months ago
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Looks like being honest just burnt one bridge.....
Brett, Robert B., Terry C.,
First off, thank you all for your honest feedback! I needed it!.
Secondly, Robert B., you made my day - I drink more water than a fish and that is what I did during the bus ride to orientation and while in orientation. (Did not know water could/would result in a positive result). Whew! Dude you just don't know how that makes me feel - it has taken a load off of me. For the life of me I could not understand how I could test positive without smoking. I was seriously thinking someone somewhere had put marijuana in something I ate and I was seriously contemplating beating the crap out of them if that turned out to be the case (I think everyone has heard about the brownies, etc - its for that reason I don't eat brownies unless the wife and/or daughters are baking them ( I know they don't smoke weed)- seriously). At least now I have something to work with to rectify this situation.
Terry C. - I was never contacted by someone from the staff who did the physical and testing, it was all done in-house. I was pulled out of class, instructed to go to HR and it was an HR rep who informed me of the results. I was never shown any test results and we were never given any copies of anything. What the HR rep did do was get on the phone and called (supposedly) someone from the lab that conducted the test. The person on the phone told me I could retest for $180.00. When I informed her I did not have the money for a retest, the HR rep asked for the phone back and I was then instructed to follow a gentleman (who was standing behind her during the phone call) and he then took me to a little office and explained my options to me which was to enroll in a SAS program for twelve months had me sign the form and then had security take me to gather my things. The security guy called a taxi to take me to the bus station. I am glad I did have enough sense to hold back enough money for my bus ticket home ( my recruiter had informed me that they would not pay my way back home if I did make it through training). Another thing, the 'lab' person implied that my sample was suspect on the day of the test (that Monday) because the nurse who collected my sample had me initial the cup my urine was in - I just assumed it was to ensure there would be no mix ups. So if that was the case, why did they issue me a medical card good for two years (it expires November of this year and I still have it - they didn't ask for it back), allow me to go to the DMV and take the permit test (which I passed on the first try), allow me to continue training all the way up to and through the straight line backing portion ( which was for three hours after class ended and the class ended at 6:00 pm), and then wait until that Friday morning to inform me of this? That to me just doesn't make any sense - if my sample was suspect from day one, it seems to me that I would have never been issued a medical card good for 2 years.
Now, when I get this mess remove from my DAC report would it also remove the name of the company who filed it? If not, how will be able to explain to potential employers why I was only at that company for one week?
I did not enroll into the SAS program because, one - I do not and did not smoke and two - I could not afford the cost of the program. I do not and will not admit to something I am not guilty of. If I am guilty of something I will own up to it and accept the consequences. If I am not guilty you will have to kill me to accept guilt.
What I am going to do now is print out you all's responses along with my DAC report and contact my caseworker and see what steps I need to take to get this mess cleared up. You guys just don't know how much better I feel now.
Again, I thank you all. I wish I would have found this site because all of this, we wouldn't be having this discussion.
Be safe out there.
Posted: 9 years, 11 months ago
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Change in plans
Good luck to you Robert B.! You'll be on the road in no time! From one Airman to another - always "Aim High!"