Show Low, AZ
Driving Status:
Preparing For School
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About to start driver training at the end of Nov, 2013 with Knight Transportation. Done the written CDL. Have my TWIC. Passed the physical. I am leaving my travel nursing career because I'm ready for a change. Needless to say I'll be making about half of what I would in healthcare. It's not about the money at this point. No wife, dog left, house got sold, so on the road I go. I have driven a logging truck in New Zealand for a short while (about a month in my brother's Mack). Learned how to shift a Road Ranger 18 speed. That old dog had 2,000,000 on it. Everything was worn out. A challenge to say the least. I have sailed most of the East coast on various sailboats. I'm used to running a tight ship. And everything happens in reverse on a sailboat. So delay whether because of equipment issues or weather is no stranger to me. We are always at someone's mercy. All that to say I go with the flow and hope for a good outcome.
Posted: 11 years, 5 months ago
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Todd H. I am an ER nurse who just got off a shift. I'm considering trucking for a career change. It's not for the money as I make heaps in nursing. But I long for the day when I won't get verbally abused by drunks and druggies of whom my tax dollars pay for their state socialized medicine program and provide them free health care. I am tired of the feces, pee, blood, vomit. I am tired of seeing people not taking charge of their healthcare and letting doctors, PA's and Nurse Practitioners order tests to boost revenue for the hospital and make a bigger monthly bonus for themselves. What industry is there where you show up and allow people to do whatever they like to you and charge the hell out of you and nobody says a word. "Oh the doctor must be right." Bullsh*t! Do you take your car in to the shop only to have a gentleman drive your car away while trying to tell the service writer what you came there for. Then have the service writer say to you in reply to your question "Where are they taking my car"....oh we are going to put a new engine in and the tires are dirty so we'll change those. And you finally get a word in..."But I only need a safety inspection." Healthcare is revenue driven to such a point that patients are seen as a portal to money from the insurance companies, Medicare, Medicaid (Two socialized medical programs). Yes we have socialized medicine in the USofA. Get over it. You already have Obamacare. You are paying for it every paycheck. But you may not use it because you make to much money. All that to say I would rather look at life through the windshield of a truck than be stuck inside all day raping the elderly of their retirement funds because "the doctor must know best." I would rather see different states and all the different culture that each state has as unique to the people there. I've travelled lots so being on the road would not be new to me. And I would focus on nutrition and exercise doing it even if it means running twice around my truck every two hours on a stop. I've seen truckers do it at rest stops so they must be trying to stay out of the money grubbing doctor's offices. Todd H. do nursing for money. Do trucking for the solitude and I hope a little alone sane time. Your choice. Yes I have driven truck before. In another country hauling logs on a big 'ole Mac. My 5 cents!
Posted: 11 years, 5 months ago
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Nursing vs Truck Driving
In reply to all here. I have my BSN. Nothing more is paid for this. I really love helping people. I have saved a lot of lives. I have comforted family of the dying. I have helped the addict who chose to get clean through some bad withdrawals. I have comforted the parents of a dead child. I have rejoiced with the young couple who find out they are pregnant. I have reminisced with the WWII veteran. I have listened while the Vietnam veteran have told me their harrowing tales of survival. I have medicated those guys returning from Iraq and Afghanistan. I have listened to the many tales of the elderly and all they have contributed to our great nation. I have dressed the wounds of the beaten wife. I have driven patients home because they couldn't afford a taxi. I have the reassured the abused teenager they don't have to be beaten and sexually abused by the people that brought them into this world any more. I have held the hand of the dying till they passed so they wouldn't be alone at the moment of their death. And I have laughed alot.
Dedication....I think I have that. Now it's time to look at the window and take each sunset, sunrise, snow storm, torrential rain, hurricane winds (driven through them), in stride. Focus on the good and hope the bullish*t passes in a timely manner. And laugh a lot. My 6 cents.