Tallahassee, FL
Driving Status:
Company Driver In Training
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Posted: 2 years, 5 months ago
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I'm currently on the road with a company I will not name because I'm not trying to throw them under the bus. So here's my snibles...I been on the road for 5 weeks now working to get my CDL, my trainer was all good for the first few weeks then slowly hes turned into a complete a-hole! I'm not gonna sit here and write everything he does that would be pointless. So I network with other trainees and they say their trainers are bad, example some say their trainers sleep in the bunk the whole time or on the phone or they are complete a-hole too! So I'm thinking if I ask for new trainer I'll wind up with someone worse...my biggest problem is I can drive real good, the trainer does everything he can to **** me off or distract me while I'm driving but I have mastered driving dispite him lol, but I can't back good at all and he really has no interest in teaching me....I thought about just quitting or finding another company but I really want to finish this! Another thing is they lied to me about how much money I'll be making once I go solo, I found out from another driver. When I sent an email asking them to tell me exactly how much my pay will be, they won't give me a straight answer. I really would appreciate some advice here, I'm real easy going, I don't like confrontation or causing any ripples and I know thats part of my issue too. Thanks in advance.
Posted: 10 years, 6 months ago
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I got my stuff straighten out long story short I'm in the application process with Prime! But I will say it again the cdl study material here was right on point! I passed my permit got my air brakes combination and tanker all on the first try! This site works!
Now wait a minute.....you got past the vision thing?
And congrats on passing the written exams!!!
Yeah it was the testers mistake, I called the FDOT after going to the eye doctor who told me as long as I can read any characters on the 20/40 line I meet federal guide lines FDOT confirmed this. Hopefully Prime knows this so I dont have to go throught this again. So if it helps anybody else here As long as you can read on the 20/40 line any characters not all you meet FEDERAL GUIDE LINES.
Posted: 10 years, 6 months ago
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I got my stuff straighten out long story short I'm in the application process with Prime! But I will say it again the cdl study material here was right on point! I passed my permit got my air brakes combination and tanker all on the first try! This site works!
Posted: 10 years, 6 months ago
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There are times the government will give exceptions for things like that. I mean, you're sooooo close to the minimum and it's only in one eye. If you're so inclined, I would look into getting an exception of some sort. It might be worth a shot.
Posted: 10 years, 6 months ago
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So I been studying the CDL stuff here for almost a month and I highly recommend this site to anyone. But today I went to test and passed everything including tanker, but they would not issue me a permit because I have 20/50 in one eye! I think that's stupid because I can get a regular license! Anyway I'm proud that I passes all my tests it just sucks that I will never be a driver.
Sorry to hear that... Can't you simply go get glasses to correct your vision?
I have glasses but I cannot correct my vision in that one eye no more than 20/50.
Posted: 10 years, 6 months ago
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So I been studying the CDL Training Materials here for almost a month and I highly recommend this site to anyone. But today I went to test and passed everything including tanker, but they would not issue me a permit because I have 20/50 in one eye! I think that's stupid because I can get a regular license! Anyway I'm proud that I passes all my tests it just sucks that I will never be a driver.
Posted: 10 years, 6 months ago
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Prime gives all drivers a raise!
Here's the information on Prime Inc's Company Sponsored Training Program which includes minimum requirements, hiring areas, pay, benefits, and the training schedule.
I believe Prime hires from all 48 contiguous states but they only hire a limited number of drivers from Florida. They are also pretty tough to get on with as far as your driving and criminal history goes.
Yeah whats up with no hiring from florida? A lot of companies I look at say no unless you have a CDL, thats kinda why Im going to roadmasters plus I dont want to be in no contract with a company training program.
Posted: 10 years, 6 months ago
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Prime gives all drivers a raise!
The raise is for all drivers, rookies or experienced - all drivers get a raise.
GaDawg, Prime is much more pickier about their hires but they do have drivers with no experience and they train.
Wonder how picky? I have no criminal history perfect driving record,steady work history I bet they hire me!
Posted: 10 years, 6 months ago
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Prime gives all drivers a raise!
I watched a lot of videos on Prime are they difficult to get on with? Im starting roadmasters soon.
Posted: 2 years, 5 months ago
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What to do?
Thanks this is kinda what I'm thinking and I want to finish, so come hell or high water ill do it....as for everybody else I have done nothing but be respectful and never questioned anything....as far as his behavior maybe being effected from outside the job thats a serious problem for him, I leave my dirty laundry at home.