Cincinnati, OH
Driving Status:
Preparing For School
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Posted: 10 years, 4 months ago
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Hi, I'm new to the trucking industry but have always wanted to drive a truck. I currently have offers from PAM and Swift. I'm leaning more toward PAM at the moment.
Anyway my question is this. Which is better night or day driving? Also, why is one better than the other? I'm a night owl always have been. I know a lot of the time I won't have a choice of the time I will be driving but just looking for advice if I do get to choose.
Posted: 10 years, 4 months ago
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Night vs Day Driving
Thanks for the info/tips. I guess when I get the chance I will try out different times to see what suits me. I like the 2-3am ideal though. I guess it would all depend on my pickup/delivery times as guyjax stated.