Lincoln, AL
Driving Status:
Rookie Solo Driver
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No Bio Information Was Filled Out. Must be a secret.
Posted: 6 years, 6 months ago
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I ask a question awhile back about finding longer length of haul freight. I received good answers promptly. Thanks to all that replied. I currently still work for my first trucking company and attended their school. Four years total including school as of this past July. Great dry van company. Im single, no kids and don’t require much hometime. I have worked my way up to only taking home time when the truck needs a B service.(35,000 miles) I have about 90,000 miles this calendar year.(2018) The company only services the Midwest and Eastern part of the country. I enjoy the 100% no touch freight, great equipment (KW T680) and I have zero fault service failures (3 total) , two minor moving violations (weight and speed), and two minor accidents. 1) Backed into trailer at customer and turned too sharp, bent side can extender. I’ve looked at several companies but my preferences are solo, no touch and no chaining in Winter. My current employer leaves the choice of driving in inclement weather completely up to the driver. All they ask is to send a message when status changes and an ETA to destination. What are the chances of finding a national carrier similar to what I have now? I have all endorsements except Hazmat. Thanks
Posted: 7 years, 4 months ago
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I have three and a half years, all safe miles. One speeding ticket 38/25, one overweight (tandems). Looking for suggestions for long haul company to drive for? I average 110,000 miles per year. The company I drive for only runs Midwest/ East. I’m tired of runs less than 500 miles. (Loaded/Empty)
Posted: 10 years, 8 months ago
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Yes. That is the only information I used. I owe it all to this website.
Posted: 10 years, 8 months ago
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Hello all, Been lurking here for awhile and am extremely proud to anounce that I passed all endorsements today for my CDL permit. Tanker, Passenger, Double or Triple Trailer Combinations and Hazmat.I start school at Millis in Cartersville, Georgia on July 7th. I want to thank all the advisors and moderators on this site for sharing the knowledge that you earned while being out on the road.A huge thank you to Brett for creating and sharing this site.Thanks to everyone who asked a question.Even if it hasnt pertained to me yet, it might help me one day.I consider this an accomplishment and will work to retain all of the endorsements.This day and this journey has been on my list every since I was a child.I will still be viewing the site, as Iit has become a part of my life.
Thanks, Ben
Posted: 10 years, 11 months ago
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Well guys, Im going back to studying.Nice talking to everyone.To all the current drivers stay safe out there.To the ones preparing for school, I will be glad when we are more than a liability and are getting the miles and seeing the country.Till next time......
P.s. Thank you Brett for establishing such an informative site for everyone to benefit from.I feel it will make a huge difference in a positive career for me and many others.
Posted: 10 years, 11 months ago
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Wow. James, I have only posted here ONE time before and that was to ask a question.I have been on here for more than a year reading links and practicing the high road test.One thing I have retained is the importance of how you interact with people.Those of us (me and you) that really want to be a truck driver have to be VERY humble and take the professional advice that is given by people voluteering their time and expertise.I suggest reading and absorbing all the great information available.
Posted: 11 years ago
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In 2009 I was convicted of a marijuana charge in texas I have a georgia cdl.. I went to renew my cdl but ga said I have a hold on my cdl in texas so I called Texas and they say my cdl is disqualified in texas for life..can I still renew my georgia cdl
Sorry, but I am lost. Does a misdemeanor marijuana conviction mean you can't obtain a cdl?
Posted: 6 years, 6 months ago
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Thanks. I will look at their website.