Topeka, KS
Driving Status:
Experienced Driver
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I've been driving for Swift since completing training in 2012. I drove OTR for two years, then transferred to a dedicated fleet that has me home every night with weekends off.
Posted: 10 months, 1 week ago
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Hey, all! I know.It's been a minute since I've checked in. Back in 2012 I was the first person to complete the cdl practice course here in Trucking Truth. Got hired on with Swift in July of 2012, and I'm still with them. Last week I hit one million miles driven. I'm still rolling along and loving every minute of it. So I wanted to share my good news. 😊
Posted: 5 years ago
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Ahmalia - how are you doing girl?
It's always great to hear from you! I'm thrilled to see you're still in the game. That means you're healthy and still able to drive these beautiful big rigs.
It's really great to see you in here!
Hanging in there. Just Trucking right along. Last year when I went for my physical they made me do a sleep study and then determined I had to have a CPAP machine answer 30 days of usage before they would renew my med card. 30 days off with no pay and then I go back in only to have a different doctor tell me the test results show I do not need a CPAP machine. Which I knew all along. But that little Fiasco cost me about 6K between lost wages and paying for tests and equipment I didn't need. But while I was off for that 30 days they had me fill in at the dispatch window and what I learned from that experience is that I do not miss office work and that I will drive a truck until I'm physically unable to do so anymore. I have no patience for drama and BS.
So what are you up to these days?
Posted: 5 years ago
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Just checking back in. It's been awhile. Joined up back in 2012 when I decided to become a truck driver. For any newbies I highly highly recommend the CDL practice course on here.
So, I am still with Swift. For the last two years I have been on a dedicated shuttle Fleet. That means I pick up at our yard in Kansas City and drive to St Louis where I meet another driver at a truck stop and we swap loads. Then I bring that load back to our yard. This is Monday through Friday overnight. So I'm home every night, well everyday, and off on the weekends.
Anyway, just saying hi. 😊
Posted: 5 years ago
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What does a quarantine due to coronavirus mean for truckers?
My main concern was that warehouses and distribution centers were going to start closing down causing a lack of freight. And that could potentially still happen I suppose. But at the moment with all the panic buying of toilet paper we actually have more freight than usual for this time of year.
Posted: 7 years, 10 months ago
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Thanks all!! Yes I was very worried DOT was going to deny me forever. It was a HUGE relief. And Swift has been amazing through all of this. They could have terminated me last year and told me to reapply if/when my cdl was reinstated. Instead they kept me employed and while I was on leave without pay, that did keep my medical insurance in place. Considering I had 3 major surgeries, physical therapy, and tons of tests in my quest for a diagnosis, this was extremely beneficial.
Just a little side note. During one of those medical tests it was determined that I have an extra lumbar spine. Meaning most people have L1 through L5 but I have an L6. Of course I immediately asked if that could have caused my numbness issue, and was told no. I asked if it could cause me issues of any kind and was told no. So I said basically what you are telling me is I have an extra spinal bone? And the doctor said yes. So then I replied, then how come I'm not taller? LOL
Anyway, like I said, it's great to be back! Thanks to everyone for your thoughts, prayers, and support.
Posted: 7 years, 10 months ago
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And I'm back. Medically cleared, cdl reinstated, and right back on the dedicated fleet. It was a long rough stressful year, but I'm glad to be back. I was also happy to discover truck driving is like riding a bike. Especially since when I walked into the terminal I was literally handed a set of keys to a truck and told to go pick up a load. No refresher course or Road training or anything. So I was a little nervous having not driven for a year. But I've been back at it 3 weeks now and it's like I was never gone. And what is really cool is all of the places I'm delivering to a lot of which I have not been to in over a year or more and the people there are greeting me with where the hell have you been? It's nice to be remembered. :-)
Posted: 8 years, 2 months ago
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Just popping back in with an update. Thyroid surgery went fine and the nodules were benign so not cancer. Went to renew my license as my birthday is tomorrow so it was due for renewal and found out it was automatically downgraded to class D when DOT put the hold on my med card. I have to present a valid med card by May 15 to get my class A reinstated. Otherwise I will have to retest to get my cdl back. I'm not sure what date I can go get my physical done to get my med card back because I think May 15th is the date DOT put the hold on it. I am working on getting all of my medical records for the last year together because I have a feeling I will need to present that to the doctor doing my physical. And I want to be prepared because I don't want any more delays in getting me back out on the road.
Posted: 8 years, 4 months ago
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Well, the good news is still no further issues with numbness. The bad news is I have a rapidly growing nodule on my thyroid that is resulting in my getting to spend Thanksgiving in the hospital, as the surgery to remove my thyroid is scheduled for the day before. Apparently the nodule is very close to my carotid artery, so of course my first question was, could this have caused my numbness issue last May? The answer was, possibly, but nobody is will to put that on paper for DOT.
Posted: 8 years, 6 months ago
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Thanks, Brett. And who knows, maybe after dealing with my family constantly for the next 8-9 months, I'll WANT to go back OTR for awhile LOL. But also if Swift won't let me return to the dedicated fleet, I'm fairly sure I can find a job elsewhere for local driving. At least I hope so, don't know how potential employers would view me coming off a medical hold. But I'll definately keep ya'll posted on how DOT handles my situation, so if something similar happens to a TT driver in the future, ya'll will have a little more info.
Posted: 10 months, 1 week ago
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Hit my million miles...
If I was OTR, yes. But because I'm on a dedicated regional account where I slip seat, no.