Magnolia, TX
Driving Status:
Considering A Career
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I just turned 50 a couple months back and it is time for a life change. I have worked at the same company for 24 years, as of today actually 24 years and 2 days. But I do not enjoy it and have not for a very long time. I have thought about driving a truck most of my life. But the last 16 years I was stuck raising two kids as a single dad. My youngest is now 20 and I want a change in life. I have good paying job, some would even say great paying. But money does not make you happy if you do not enjoy your work. I want to enjoy my work again and I have a lot of years left to work.
I am a very solitary person by nature and I like being alone most of the time. I love to drive/ride all around America and driving a truck really is calling me now. I am looking to learn all I can then decide.
I like to ride motorcycles, have a collection of '70's model Ford trucks, like to work on them, like to plant veggies, and like to be outside.
Posted: 10 years, 5 months ago
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Diagnosed sleep apnea treated, will I still job as a driver?
I just joined TT tonight, I have spent the last few days reading everything. I have thought of drive a truck for many years. I do not like my job of 24 years and I am really serious about this. But now have one concern if I could get hired after reading the sleep apnea witch hunt article.
I have sleep apnea diagnosed about 10 years ago. I am on a cpap machine and use it every time I sleep.
So does any know if this is an automatic no, a maybe or no problem at all.
Thanks for this wonderful website it is a pleasure to read and great for the industry.
Posted: 10 years, 5 months ago
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Diagnosed sleep apnea treated, will I still job as a driver?
Thanks everyone for the information that it is not a deal breaker. I have been on a CPAP machine for over 10 years now and I use it every single time I sleep. It is a newer machine with the removable sim card but it does not have the wifi. I can have many records pulled that shows I have been in compliance for many years now.
I wanted to add a little to answer some other responses. Not all sleep apnea is cause by weight I was in my late 30's when I finally was diagnosed but it started when I was in my early teen's. I just did not know what was causing my issues. My weight at the time of my diagnois was about 190 and I am 5'11" I do not know what that made my BMI but I am sure it was under what they check. I currently bounce between 200 and 210. So with the current standards they might would let me slip by without testing me. That some would say would be the way to go but that is not for me. I know how dangerous server sleep anpnea is. I also want to make sure my future employer knows of the condition before I am hired.
There are some surgery's available but the one they would use to try and fix mine is only effective about 60 or 70% of the time. The bad side effects from it could cause other problems that could be life threatening even if the surgery was not success full. For me I will be using a CPAP for the rest of my life every time I sleep and I do not have a problem with that. It works for me and I am happy with the results.
I mainly just wanted to make sure it was not a total deal breaker. It sounds like they let guys drive all the time as long as they use the machine and comply with the doctors orders. I have no problem proving I comply because I do it anyway. I just did not want to start planning to change my career or actually get to the point of quiting my job and go through training just to find out I can not get a CDL or will not be hired. I have a excellent career of 24 years with a very large computer company. I will have a job for many years to come if I want it. The problem is I am not happy with it any more.
I will add this bit of advice to anyone that has to take the sleep test. Do not sleep on your back. Sleeping on your back makes sleep apnea worse and I wonder if it could cause someone to have a few episodes during the test even though they really do not have it. If they see it they will put you on a machine. Some of the reading I have done I agree they are on a witch hunt and they think this is fix all to drousy driving. It is not and not eveyone just because of wieght has sleep apnea. This is a new thing relativily speaking so some in the medical field are going to push it and beleive me it has to do with money. But I can tell you if you have sleep apnea and you sleep on a CPAP you will know the difference right away. It does take some getting use to the machine but it is worth it. If anyone wants to know more about Sleep Apnea from a person who has it and understand somewhat about it I would be happy to answer any questions for you. I am not an expert nor know much from a medical standpoint, but I do not what it is like to go through life with it and what it is like dealing with it.
I will continue to read all I can on this site but I do not normally post much. Thanks again to eveyone's response to my first question on the boards.