Profile For Bel A.

Bel A.'s Info

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    Sarcoxie, MO

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    Experienced Driver

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    10 years, 6 months ago

Bel A.'s Bio

Simply - Team husband and wife LTL drivers - 10 years.

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Posted:  9 years, 10 months ago

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LTL Trucking - My linehaul job

Coming up on a year with my linehaul job for ODFL. I figured I'd pop back in and let everybody know that running linehaul for OD just gets better and better. After learning the ins and outs of linehaul, how to work with dispatch and planners, where the terminals are located, how things are done at each individual terminal, and just learning how to operate a rig better with more experience, I've been able to just settle in and enjoy my job even more. The culture at OD is awesome, the pay and bennies are fantastic, and I'm just having a blast running linehaul. Sure, it's hard work, but I wouldn't wanna do any other type of trucking, or work for any other company. I'm a lifer, Lord willing.

Told ya you'd be alright ya big girl.

Was that only a year ago?

You owe us breakfast now.

Over and out.

Posted:  10 years, 1 month ago

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LTL Trucking - My linehaul job


6 string was fortunate to catch the right company at the right time - some stunning growth in the company demanded a temporary change in policy to recruit more drivers. 8 years ago they wanted 2 years minimum and your first born child - the growth rate and driver retention crisis has warranted a different approach in SOME areas at SOME times.


Yeah, that's the concern I have. I don't want to send people on a wild goose chase and get their hopes up that they're going to come out of school making $60k+ and be home every night. In fact, 6 String is the first and only student I've ever come across that landed an LTL gig out of school. To this day I haven't heard from anyone else who has had any luck. But we'll dig around a bit and see what we can find out.

There's a few other LTL outfits that have lowered their entry requirements, and all experience seasonal shortages. Often it's a case of 'Johnny on the spot', not all are fortunate to be in the right place at the right time, or have the financial ability or patience to wait.

LTL can be a boring job for some. We're just leaving the company after 7 years, my only other option was to run solo with them - would have involved commuting 800 miles a week, and a dedicated run. Honestly a ddedicted run would have a gun to my head in about 2 weeks time, routine bores me to tears. Others like the security.

So, I bought my own truck cash, and will run open deck freight, leased on to a company's authority, mama can stay at the house and tend the garden.

I digress - YES, it's rare to land a 60k+ job straight out of school, BUT - it does reinforce the importance of paying for your own training and RESEARCHING (not just with a keyboard) your career.

Posted:  10 years, 1 month ago

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LTL Trucking - My linehaul job

By the way, we are indeed planning on adding a bunch of LTL carriers to TruckingTruth. I'm not sure if we're going to put them in a separate category or blend them in with the other companies but we're definitely going to add them to the list.

Because we're focused on new drivers we'll only add LTL companies that we can confirm are willing to hire students out of school or train people right off the street.

That would be a good idea, confirming, that is.

We work out of an ODFL terminal that does not hire off the street, or put people through school. You can hire on as a dock worker first, and then apply for the driving school, but that's not a guarantee.

6 string was fortunate to catch the right company at the right time - some stunning growth in the company demanded a temporary change in policy to recruit more drivers. 8 years ago they wanted 2 years minimum and your first born child - the growth rate and driver retention crisis has warranted a different approach in SOME areas at SOME times.

Posted:  10 years, 1 month ago

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Exact First Year Income. Week by Week!


There is one thing I do not understand. What is the "Tiered Pay" thing?


I honestly don't know. I got Tiered pay at Central Refrigerated but not at Prime. Maybe someone more educated in finances can answer this. Sorry!

Maybe "tiered", as in 100-150 mile run @ x cpm, 150-300 mile run @ y cpm, 300-500 mile run @ z cpm . . . ?

Posted:  10 years, 1 month ago

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LTL Trucking - My linehaul job

On second thoughts, I'm disappointed somebody didn't shove their LTL job down my throat earlier in my career - it would have saved me 3 years of refrigerated deliveries at $40,000/year, with a heap of unpaid time.

I , like Jopa, had little idea what those wiggle wagons were doing running up and down the road until the opportunity came up.

Posted:  10 years, 1 month ago

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LTL Trucking - My linehaul job

Well fellow drivers ..

I say everyone to their own ,,, if we just ignore this one ,and not reply ! the thread will stop ..OR the OWNER can simply ban the person ..I know this is harsh ...but it's a thought ..

I've again done it all in the industry 34+ yrs out here ,I don't bragg , NOR do I shove my job down others throats ,,So 6 string you minght want to take heed in that simple advice ....and cease ...! ....or don't .......

I don't understand what your point, or purpose is. Your posts are difficult to comprehend at best. The intentions of your posts - I'm not sure - Jealousy? You'll have to inform me, at least, what brings you back to this guys thread when it seems to irritate you.

"I don't brag" - preceded by "I've again done it all in the industry 34 years" is an oxymoron. That's about as good as "I gave up smoking, drinking and chasing women - followed by "Darn - I left my whiskey and smokes at the *****house".

The guy isn't shoving his job down anybodys' throat. You can either read and absorb, or dismiss it as BS and carry on. You've done it all, as you say - so go ahead, give us a detailed summary of your 34 years of financials in the industry and let some new drivers know the right way to go for their situation. You've done it all right, Super secret squirrel government loads, hazmat tankers, multi axle OD loads, wher you had to wait for a city to build a bridge for you to cross . . .

"Take heed in that simple advice . . . . and cease . . !" Take some of your own advice.

Oh, and for what little it's worth with my pitiful 10 years experience - I've met a lot of liars and losers in this industry, that can barely rub two nickels or brain cells together after a long career - and I can tell you everything posted on here is 100% the truth, because I work at the same company in a different state - and believe you me - if he got ANYTHING wrong, I'd correct him on it.

Good day, sir.

Posted:  10 years, 2 months ago

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LTL Trucking - My linehaul job

Get off my thread you crazy, muzzily speaking, too independent thinkin' truck owner!!! smile.gif

I'm almost working banker hours with this new schedule! Congrats on raking in that dough.

Down to 25 minutes for a hook, if I don't take time to wipe my nose.

Start your own damn thread ...

Hee hee!!!! I like pilfering through yours!

Aaaah, the usual hours - all over the place, I saw your text this morning in AZ, the Kiwi guy sent his ph# so I yakked with him this afternoon for a half hour.

Goood to see you're paying it forward here - saving souls from OTR. Go on, tell them how I had to talk you out of Crete not once, but 3 times . . . and how you owe me your first born child for repayment !

I've got my own one going on the other forum - check it out if you get bored. Just about there, just my own fear to conquer.

Happy New Year.

Posted:  10 years, 2 months ago

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LTL Trucking - My linehaul job

Another thing, before I forget. I've been getting a lot of private messages lately on LTL. I'm glad the thread has been helping folks out!

I don't mind the private messages at all, and I try to respond as soon as I can. But, I'd like to encourage readers to post their questions here on the forum, so that others can benefit from the questions and responses. I like that this thread could also serve as an open dialog, besides just my own posts.

Quit whining and get to answering PM's. You haven't been doing enough miles anyway!

Year end $84,000 each. Been verrrrry lazy. Mikey hit $100k, he's team also.

Thought I'd poke my nose in on your thread. Nice pictures. Still taking you an hour to hook those puppies?

Muahaha! Back to wrestling the southwest . . . the IRS, DMV, the KW and LS . . .

Posted:  10 years, 2 months ago

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From New Zealand

In the middle of B F Arizona . . I'll get back witcha.

Might be easier if I call ya.

+64 - . . . . ?

Posted:  10 years, 5 months ago

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High paying CPM reality?


Often missed is LTL - I team at .68cpm, average 3000 a week, and gross over $2000/week.

Our solos run 2500-3000 miles at over .54 cpm.

One user on here that I have met in person hired on straight out of CDL school , trained for 3 weeks and is on his first solo run tonight.

For him, $70k + gross in his first year is great!

Just to show it is possible.


Bel A. Could you share your company's name?

Yes - it's Old Dominion.

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