Profile For Kemosabe

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  • Driving Status:
    Considering A Career

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  • Joined Us:
    10 years, 6 months ago

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Posted:  10 years, 6 months ago

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Good Health, Medication, and Happiness on the road

I am considering a career in trucking, it's a hard life, but I think I might be okay with it. I spend most of my time now sitting around desk job, or playing computer games, barely any contact with family. I would love to see the country. My primary concern is medication, I've heard the hours are rather loopy and off balanced. I know ahead of time at least that every 4 hours when I'm awake I should take a pill with food. I'm pretty sure I can do that with sandwiches.

I know in advance that my meds react with caffeine, so my goal is going to be to reduce any need for the stuff and tips on that would be appreciated.

I need 1 hr of time to exercise, not sure how that would fit into a schedule except when offloading maybe?

I do love my computer, and going on raids with my friends which I hope I could keep doing, but it sucks up a lot of juice, once I go solo would it be plausible to make a once nightly raid meet for 8 solid hours without draining my truck battery? Is there a cab battery I could run it off of? How does that work out? I am planning to look over the wifi topics next.

I also have several dozen or more hobbies, and I think I sadly won't be able to bring my anvil and forge on board in the cab. But for space considerations and personal planning, what could I approximately fit? Maybe I'll just do beading or something, but I do like variety and mixing up the different media.

Oh and I love youtube, is there a way to download videos to my computer so I can listen to free music?

Posted:  10 years, 6 months ago

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Driver Stabbed!

Are you just trying to get a rise out of people by posting stuff like this? You offered no word of support for the injured truck driver.

You never know when someone will strike out from road rage. I've seen my share of weird things as a car driver from truckers, from other drivers. from my own passengers. I was a passenger in a bus when the truck next to me had both tires blow out at once. I've seen crazy car drivers harrassing truck drivers, repeatedly getting in front and then braking repeatedly forcing them dangerously below the expressway speed limit. My friend's dad, was driving when I was a teenager, and he decided that a trucker had intentionally cut him off, and he went 12 miles out of his way to flip the bird at the driver.

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