Kennesaw, GA
Driving Status:
Considering A Career
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Posted: 10 years, 6 months ago
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Yea that reminds me a "Shot" could get me a nice 12 month disqualification. Guess I'ts time to Bite the Pillow and go in dry.
Posted: 10 years, 6 months ago
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Just finished the biggest week so far, but felt like I was slacking.
I could not agree more on both facts.. the easier trips are the most profitable. My boss always told me its all in your point of view and attitude. Night is the way to go for me. If i could drive the speed limit I would not care as long as there's no 3 am roadworks. (yea) those are a pain... or this one time we were held up, idk, 12 miles long strip of parking lot on I-75 due to a pile up, not long ago, but... ya know the thing you sit on. You have to be on the lookout for those nifty little rice rockets and burners that love to go 100+ possibly losing control in front of your cab.
Posted: 10 years, 6 months ago
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Going to look at CSX intermodal next then Kennesaw Transportation.
Posted: 10 years, 6 months ago
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Thank you very much. finally a positive review that didn't come from England! Yes The recruiter did mention they recently changed their policies. I don't care if i have to wait. I may also have a problem with hypertension, so that gives me some time to work on that, maybe even quit smoking! I don't wanna be so anxious about my first ride that I have a heart attack and keel over and drive a 40,000 pound truck into someones baby :-/
I remember my first driving exam in high school... everyone else got the ford focus... your fiat 500... your mini cooper... Me? no,no,no... I got their chevy montecarlo. I passed with better scores than most of them. I believe I was destined for this calling. My long term goal is to drive a log truck in Alaska <3 Maybe even a refer for England, I just don't want to rush this now... I've got the bug in my system and I've been known to be impulsive. I want to do this right and look good doing it. I want to become the best driver I can be and stop grinding bloody wheels on the curb...
Posted: 10 years, 6 months ago
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It's Been One of Those Days...
Please Listen to this beautiful woman describe trucking...
Posted: 10 years, 6 months ago
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I have two accidents, one my fault, last year and the year before that consecutively, Will C.R. England Hire me to train for the CDL? They said there might be a six month wait when I talked to them today, but I don't care...With the negative reviews I've heard about them I'm not nailing myself down to any 1 company yet.
Posted: 10 years, 6 months ago
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Good Health, Medication, and Happiness on the road
I am also considering a trucking career. Luckily I found this website, it has a metric shytton of information about the trucking industry, and considering my experience with delivering pizza for twelve years I would say it is accurate enough for my needs. example, the low pay long ours part... no parking... traffic troubles I've had with pizza could be comparable to trucking to a certain extent. When it comes to leasing a truck, private contracting, and stuff like that I'm a complete newbie so I will appreciate any trustworthy information it will give me.
I applied to C.R.England Trucking company today. I was so happy I cried. I was so excited to be getting out off my arse, into a truck, and seeing the country and making money, that I almost forgot to check some reviews about that company which my aunt in Iowa told me to do. I saw so many negative reviews about their trucking school, their management, and even a case where someone was left stranded with a broken down truck. I was shocked. My question, Is this a good company to work for starting out as a newbie/greenhorn/squirt... whatever they call the F.N.G. nowadays lol. And If it is worth staying for longer than a year.
to Kemosabe: I play Eve Online, and would like to know if i could also bring a pc to play on my downtime/sleeptime... but would probably want to sleep more...Being the way eve online is, i can simply check my skills training and sleep. five minutes gameplay tops. Shut down the computer and save energy.
Posted: 10 years, 6 months ago
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Just about to start my career and go to CDL school
Rule 1. Do not trust anyone until it has been earned. 2. Never keep your eggs in one basket. 3. Risk = Isk