Profile For Stan C.

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    10 years, 6 months ago

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Posted:  10 years, 6 months ago

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Expenses on the road, what expenses?

Hello Stan, and welcome aboard!

The only expenses that will be taken out of your check are taxes, and your insurance if you sign up for it. I'm not sure where you got the idea that personal expenses for food would be covered and then deducted from your mileage pay. You will be responsible for feeding yourself - that is the biggest expense while living a travelling lifestyle. You can learn to reduce the costs by keeping a refrigerator in your truck and learning to make some of your own meals in your truck. I enjoy cooking with a crock-pot in my truck.

Other expenses that you will incur are things like laundry, occasionally you may have to pay a toll (that will be reimbursed to you), you'll have your cell phone service, internet connection, and possibly entertainment. Food will by far be the biggest expense you have.

While you are thinking about all this take a look at our Truck Driver's Career Guide, you'll get a real education about all this stuff if you follow all the links in there. You would probably enjoy and benefit from reading this free on-line version of Brett's Book, it's a great and easy read that will give you a good idea of what it's like living on the road.

Sorry, I was a little vague. What I meant was, what would I pay for and what would the company cover expense wise. How are things like fuel, truck maintenance, tolls, etc. paid for? I've had jobs that promised a set commission, then deducted things like desk space, phone calls, office supplies and such. It wasn't a very pleasant surprise.

Posted:  10 years, 6 months ago

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Expenses on the road, what expenses?

Ok, so I'm brand new at this. I'm thinking about quitting my day job and becoming a driver. I'm currently researching schools and starting to make plans. One of the things I don't understand yet is what expenses come out of the cpm? I'm sure it varies company to company and the type of contract, etc. If I were to make, say .40 cents a mile, other than personal stuff like food and taxes, what else would come out of the .40 cents?

Posted:  10 years, 6 months ago

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How old is too old?

I'm thinking about making a life change and getting into trucking. I'm 58 and in good health. What are the advantages and disadvantages of getting started at my age? I don't have a CDL yet.

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