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Posted: 10 years, 6 months ago
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Need Help With A Skill Performance Evaluation
So. I tried to goto a trucking school, and due to me getting a shoulder replacement in my right arm I can only lift my arm to 50 degrees in front and to the side so they told me I have to get an SPE ( skilled performance evaliation) to even start or get my permit. I live in Los Angeles CA. And I can't seem to find anyone that doesn't have there head up their but and able to give me info on where to go to a ortho doctor that even knows what I'm talking about. Then it states I need a qualified cdl holder to verify I can operate truck safely. Has anyone had an SPE done? And if so any and all advice would be great
Posted: 10 years, 6 months ago
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Need info on getting an SPE ( skilled performance evaluation )
So I went to a trucking school and they sent me home due to me only being able to lift my right arm to about 65 DEGREES. they said I need SPE . I have the paperwork but was wondering if anyone has gone through something like this, and if so please advise as far as what to expect.
Back in 2008 I was racing motorcycles at the track and had a nasty crash, needless to say, 11 shoulder replacement surgeries later I have now lost my rotator cuff , And with out a rotator cuff you cant lift your arm past 50 to 60 degrees in front or side of you. I already drive stick shift with no problem and I can reach the emergency knobs. I can pick heavy stuff up to my chest with no problem too. Other than going above a certain pont with the arm, everything else I can do with no problem.