Profile For LuisMSr

LuisMSr's Info

  • Location:
    philadelphia , PA

  • Driving Status:
    Experienced Driver

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  • Joined Us:
    10 years, 6 months ago

LuisMSr's Bio

Tanker driver

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Posted:  8 years, 11 months ago

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Medical card on Mvr

Hey guys.

I recently applied for transforce inc. I'm in their hiring process and happens that everything was going perfect until my recruiter told me that my medical card doesn't show up on my mvr records. So i went to a local dmv to check what was wrong and they told me everything was good but my recruiter still can't see the medical certificate in my mvr.

My last employer reported my medical card to the dmv and my medical card doesn't expire until December 2016. What could be the problem here?.

Does anyone of you guys have been thru this or know something about it?

Thanks for helping

Posted:  10 years, 3 months ago

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Tips for Schneider orientation

Hey guys i'm taking this part of my life so serious, finally i got my CDL, studied a lot for each of the tests (permits and endorsements) did pretty good in the road test and i feel soo!! great! and excited!!!. I'm going to Schneider orientation in Pittsburgh PA. With the bulk division, i would like everybody to reply with any tips and advices that i would need in this part of my career . Would I appreciate it.

*Thanks truckingtruth for all the information and support, there are no better sources than you* Thank you.

Posted:  10 years, 5 months ago

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Learn how to drive truck in the mountains.......

I have a question.. if you get to climb a hill in 10th gear and then go down steep In 9th gear.. isn't that a too high gear to go downgrade?

I know its safe to downshift to a lower gear when you are going downgrade but does this work with any big gears like 10th to 9th etc... ?

Posted:  10 years, 6 months ago

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OTR decision

Hey guys, I am very new in this field I am a latin american young guy with not a wide and excellent english, but I try my best.. I've been reading in since I start my CDL training school 2 weeks ago, I already have my permit and 2 days of driving training.

The big deal is that my mind keeps thinking about what am I going to choose if OTR, regional or local.. well I just got merried and its such a decision wanting to leave home for long time. like not good right?.. but hey!. i think about our future too and when talking about business and money I like to go for everything and I see that OTR its the carrier A must to grow as a professional truck driver. So I'm not sure about what would be the best decision. Hope you guys that have been long time doing what you love help me deciding.

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