Montpelier, VT
Driving Status:
Considering A Career
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Hey all. I've always loved big machines. I'm considering a life change and have always wondered about driving as a profession. I've worked on farms, run heavy equipment, and driven many kinds of vehicles. It was always the highlight of my day. This web site is a great service, very helpful. It is true there is no way to know anything about a profession without talking to the folks that do it everyday. Thanks for making this place available.
Posted: 6 years, 4 months ago
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Opinions on Self-driving trucks please!
Hi All, I’ve been a long time viewer here as I have been considering a career change to trucking. Still am but found a local job that fits for now. I’m not a driver at this time but work around trucks and run heavy equipment. I just wanted to toss a anothe thought into the ring about this self driving thing.
Current tech is all reactive. Meaning each vehicle has to observe and decide. The window of decision is only a few vehicle lengths away and usually limited in visibility. This reactive system will never be safe enough I believe. Until there is a control system that all vehicles on the road share and communicate through so they will all know what’s happening in real time in front, behind and miles down the road, safe autonomy will not be happening. That’s a huge infrastructure change. As drivers we do this.. we listen to the CB, watch the road and the weather. A driver has to be proactive and any system attempting to replace or supplement must be that as well. I don’t see any of that happening very soon. Just my 2¢. Thanks for reading and stay safe,
Posted: 5 years, 7 months ago
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Any tech gurus wanna take a shot at my phone/app problem?
Hey all and Turtle, Briefly, Iv'e been visiting this site for a couple of years now, still considering a career change to trucking. Computers and phone software is one of the things I do now. If things worked before and update then not after seems like something in that app group caused it. Did the Prime app update? You can check that on the Play Store page. It gives a list of recent updates. It's possible they dropped compatibility to older OS versions. Also in settings/apps, check the permissions settings for the Prime app. The list it needs is on the Play store page near the bottom. Permissions/ details. Make sure those match your phone. The app should tell you it needs something but it might not.
The s6 is an older phone and thus likely an older version of Android. Check that version in settings/about. I think 7 is what is on the S6 I checked the Play Store page and they don't list it but they say varies with device. That is suspect. Might be it's compatible with some but not others. I read a few of the reviews and to seems your issue happens to others.
You've done all the normal things to cure stuff save the flatline then restore. If you have backups of everything either cloud based or on a computer, the full erase is sometimes the fastest way out. Or if you can swing it get a newer phone. The programmers have to justify their existence so they keep making everything "better" The rouble is they assume everyone has they latest hardware or close. They often have to draw a line somewhere on how far back they can support. Hope this helps.