Phoenix, AZ
Driving Status:
Company Driver In Training
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No Bio Information Was Filled Out. Must be a secret.
Posted: 10 years, 4 months ago
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New to Driving, question about a 30 years ago Positive UA.
I'm new to the industry and I'm applying for jobs with major carriers. I've told two of them, honestly, when I was asked that I did test positive for smoking pot 30 years ago. They seemed like it was going to be an issue. I was working for an Agricultural company that just laid off all new hires and I was one them. They gave me a glowing letter of recommendation and I have my HazMat and Tanker endorsements that I needed to haul their chemicals. Am I screwed to get on with someone? I probably could have said never but I prefer to be honest.
Posted: 10 years, 4 months ago
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New to Driving, question about a 30 years ago Positive UA.
Thanks for the info. They asked if I've ever tested positive and not if tested positive in the last 10 years. So with being asked if ever, I gave an honest answer. I'll answer differently now that I know more of a guideline. It was a non issue for my TSA HazMat background check which I wasn't concerned about as I've been a CCW holder for quite some time. I could be wrong but I feel like that BGC was probably pretty dog gone thorough. It was a hard lesson that was learned way back then. While it sucked and cost me a great job/career, it made me a better person going forward and helped me get my act together before becoming a Dad. :-)