St. Johns, AZ
Driving Status:
Preparing For School
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Seriously considering this career! Just left being "farmer's wife" for six years at an off-the-grid farm in Arizona. Before that, I did office work, restaurant work, and was a copy editor. I love travel, and when I was little I was always jealous of my brother's Tonka trucks. I think I'd love this job. I really appreciate all the help on this site (studying High Road now!) and looking forward to getting to know you all.
Posted: 10 years, 4 months ago
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Failed my test Wednesday and passed today!
Andrea, Jolie and all the other amazing ladies out there - you ROCK!!!! I am so excited for you! Thank you for helping me know I can do it, too! You're my heroes!
I am going to postpone school till after the holidays (got some work coming in, make some money so I won't have to sleep in the back of my truck during driving school) ... but will be going to take the permit test tomorrow morning! Wish me luck!
Be safe out there, everybody!
Posted: 10 years, 4 months ago
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Physical requirements of trucking
Thanks guys, I appreciate all the info and encouragement. I know it's going to be great, I was just getting caught up in other people's drama for a minute. I'm so excited about this!
Deb, I'm learning so much about my friends and myself in this. Wow - how much fear people have and how they let it control them. Not only in big life decisions, but just spending a lot of energy worrying about things that don't need to be worried about. Crazy.
Anyway, thanks everybody! I'm looking at getting my CDL permit next week and starting school 11/3. I'll keep you posted.
Posted: 10 years, 4 months ago
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Physical requirements of trucking
We don't see each other much anyway ... she's in NC and I'm in AZ. I think all my friends are just, like, what the heck, when I tell them I want to be a trucker, because it's totally out of the blue. I'm overeducated (2 bachelors degrees + a masters in fine arts) and up till six years ago had nice predictable jobs, like waiting tables or office work. When I went to live on a farm my friends & family thought that was adventurous and cool, but now that I want to be a trucker ... honestly I don't know what they really think. Whatever. Fortunately of all people my mother has been the best! I think she's jealous.
Posted: 10 years, 4 months ago
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Physical requirements of trucking
Oh, and mountain girl? That kingpin thing? Makes me want to get in a truck, like, RIGHT NOW.
Posted: 10 years, 4 months ago
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Physical requirements of trucking
I love you guys! Honest. I think I've said this before but ever since I came here to TT half the reason I want to be a trucker is to hang out with you cool awesome people. (And to drive a truck that's bigger than my brother's.)
I have to defend my friend though, she is super cool and you would love her, she just doesn't know, um, beans, about trucking. She says she knows a lot of truckers but they must be local delivery types.
Yay! Full speed ahead!
Posted: 10 years, 4 months ago
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Physical requirements of trucking
So I was talking with a girlfriend about trucking and she tells me I'll probably not like it because it takes a lot of lifting, operating pallet jacks, lift gates, etc. I just left a farm where I handled 50 lb. feed sacks - right at the edge of my strength. I don't mind physical work but if it's too much for me, she might be right that I'd be unhappy. Could you guys & ladies who are already driving please tell me what's the reality? Would I be getting in over my head?
I've been so excited about trucking but want to go in with eyes open. I was set up to start school two weeks ago but postponed so I could take time to be sure this is the right way to go. Thanks.
Posted: 10 years, 4 months ago
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😱 They called! I go Oct 23 @ 9:45 for my CDL A test.
You could try packing oregano or powdered cloves around the tooth - they are natural antibiotics and should help.
Posted: 10 years, 5 months ago
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Stevens, Knight, Stevens, Knight
Maybe someone can correct me, but I don't see the urgency of getting endorsements unless the company requires it. Surely we can get them later? Knight doesn't require any, and I have my hands full studying the main stuff.
Posted: 10 years, 5 months ago
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Stevens, Knight, Stevens, Knight
Thanks PJ, it's really good to hear about how these "facts" translate into real life. I'm leaning toward dry van based on a thread of Old School and Daniel (I think it was) ... different ways to run based on the flexibility on delivering loads. Don't think I would enjoy flatbed because of the tarping ... I can wrangle a feed sack but those tarps are heavy.
There's intangibles too ... oddly enough although the facts are on Knight's side, my gut is saying Stevens ... but that is probably based just on more or less rapport with the recruiters. And if Stevens is in line for a buyout, I'd rather steer clear, I've been through those, too much drama.
Posted: 10 years, 4 months ago
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I was just at the Arizona DMV this morning and the guy told me to make a shrinked copy of it and laminate it (he said, use clear contact, shelf paper, it's cheaper).