Profile For Ian W.

Ian W.'s Info

  • Location:
    King of Prussia, PA

  • Driving Status:
    In CDL School

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  • Joined Us:
    10 years, 5 months ago

Ian W.'s Bio

You really find out who a person is once they're starving.

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Posted:  10 years, 5 months ago

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Yo. First. Relax. I'm from Montgomery County. Chill. Go to the Mawl. Take a few laps. Get on hwy 309 or 202 and get lost for a while. Oh, wait. That's not very hard to do.

Go to the top of this page and write into the search box: DOT Testing and hit "Enter." There's a very long thread that along the way, has a growing list of companies that do and do not test using hair follicle. I know for a fact that Con-way Freight only tests using the UA because I just took that test in July.

Hair follicle goes back 90 days. UA goes back 30 days. Cut your hair down to a really tight buzz cut and fooget about it or choosearrow-10x10.png a company that only uses UA.

You'll be fine. Welcome to Trucking TruFF, Homie!

-mountain girl

I tried to get in contact with those companies and all of them require some type of OTR experience. I just feel like this is a lost cause. I know it's not but I keep hitting dead ends! If anyone knows anymore companies, or if you do, let me know! THANKS a TON!smile.gif

Posted:  10 years, 5 months ago

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I enrolled in a CDL-A school about 4 weeks ago. Needless to say, I have my permit, and I am scheduled to take the road test in about 2-3 weeks. I have loved tractor trailers since I was a little kid, and I KNOW I am destined to do this. With that being said,I am graduating and obtaining my CDL-A license very soon and I am looking to obtain an OTR job with a company that accepts recent grads. MY BIGGEST issue is that I NEED to find a company that does not do hair follicle testing. I'm only 23 and I recently decided to grow up 4 months ago. I know that DOESN'T justify anything, but I WANT this so bad. Please guys, help me out. I feel like I have hit a dead end. I'm destined to do this and I want to do this. Please list companies that ONLY do the required the DOT UA, not the hair follicle test, and that hires students. THANKS GUYS!


Posted:  10 years, 5 months ago

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I'm really stressing!! HELP!

Okay. So about a month ago, at the age of 23 I finally decided to get my CDL-A. I started at Smith and Solomon CDL Training about 10 minutes from where I live. Spent the first week in class going over the PA CDL Handbook. Needless to say, I got my permit the first try. I am probably going for my road test within the next 2-3 weeks. I am planning and almost confident that I will pass my road test the first try, and hopefully finally have my CDL-A. My biggest issue is that at the current time, I CANNOT PASS A HAIR FOLLICLE TEST. Atleast I dont think I can. I want this career so bad and I know I'm destined to drive a truck, I've been obsessed since I was a kid. PLEASE, point me in the right direction. I need to know what companies only do the DOT required urine tests. Thank you guys, I really appreciate it!

Posted:  10 years, 5 months ago

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CDL School 4 weeks or 160 hours cost?

Thank you Thomas.

Smith and Solomon CDL Training is 3750 to obtain your CDL-A. It is a 4-6 week course (if you are proficient), and you get a total of 160 hrs. Also, alot of companies accept a recent grad from Smith and Solomon.

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