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Posted: 10 years, 5 months ago
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Newbee, best method to get CDL?
Seeking advice from those who have been in the industry a while. What are the advantages of getting CDL on your own versus being sponsored. Obvious advantage of company sponsor is no out-of-pocket. But, does being trained by a company for CDL limit income possibility due to time obligation to them after? Pros and cons of each please. Also, what are the most respected companies to drive for?
Posted: 10 years, 5 months ago
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New Girl...
Hey Ladies, Great to find this resource. I'm 43 and looking at the options for either getting my CDL through a school or sponsor companies. I am leaving the corporate rat race to follow a childhood dream of driving a truck OTR. Everyone is going to think I am crazy. But, my son is grown and on his own and it's my time! A bit overwhelmed at the choices...any advice?