Graysville, TN
Driving Status:
Considering A Career
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I'm 42 years old. Happily married for 20 years to a very wonderful women. 4 kids, 3 grand kids. I became unable to work last year in Feb. Tried the disability thing but was turned down with them saying I was "Unable" to do the work I had done in the past but was not unable to work, so I decided to give truck driving a go. Maybe this will be what they were talking about...?
Posted: 10 years, 4 months ago
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Well, some of the companies on this site say I'm not qualified. Swift, CRST, Melton and one other I think were the only ones that accepted my app. Main reason I'm looking to get into trucking "Fast" is because I'm not making any money now and I need to be to help out here at home. I'm not looking to get a few days of training, get my CDL and get on the road (Not stupid lol ). I should have put more info on that post than I did but it's done now lol
Posted: 10 years, 4 months ago
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I'm just trying to find the fastest way into trucking whether it be Swift, CRST or whoever. I just dont like the idea of spending Thanksgiving and Christmas in Iowa...
Posted: 10 years, 4 months ago
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I got another call from Swift and they had no idea that someone else from there had talked to me. I have been trying to get in touch with them and told this new guy about it, he said he would see what was up, another waiting game. CRST called me yesterday, on phone app, background/MVR check went good with the exception of a Misdemeanor from 2007 that she said "Shouldn't" be a problem. Only thing about CRST is that I will be sent to Iowa for training...anyone from here with CRST? Maybe you can give me some info on them. I got their packet and read through it, sounds like a good company but you never know.
Posted: 10 years, 4 months ago
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So my wifes cousin just so happens to be an O/O and is currently running only 2 of his four trucks. He agreed to let me "Ride Along" with him on a few of his short trips. Little did I know I was gonna be behind the wheel. As of yesterday, I have about 200 miles under my belt. Not alot I know but it's a whole lot to me since I have never even been inside of a truck til now. He doesn't really have time to Teach me everything I need to know other than going forward, gear changes, making turns, etc. So far, I love being behind the wheel, seeing places I haven't seen before, believe it or not, I even kinda enjoyed sleeping in the truck. I'm currently waiting/looking forward to the next trip. He has to be in West Virginia Monday morning then Ohio and back to Alabama then home. Not sure I'm going with him for this one though, I have a few things I need to take care of here at home then I'll be free to go on the next one.
Posted: 10 years, 4 months ago
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So, I received the Swift Transport link to fill out a complete app. I told the truth on every question that was asked including: Have you ever smoked marijuana and if so when, has your license ever been suspended and if so when & have you ever been convicted of any crime, if so when, why, outcome, etc. I answered all of these truthfully and they were all a big yes along with an estimated date and explanation...did I just lose my chance with this company or will they see that I'm trying to be truthful and notice that these all happened awhile back and not recent and still accept me? Guess it could go either way. I put in an app for Roadmaster Trucking School but never heard anything from them...
Posted: 10 years, 4 months ago
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So, I got a call from Swift. Filled out the App, just waiting to hear back from them. 13 month commitment in exchange for teaching me. I'm game!
Heck yeah!
Listen, give them about two days and then call them yourself. For anyone applying to trucking companies - be persistent and proactive! Call them if you don't hear back within two days and keep calling until you get someone on the phone to begin processing your application. It's not uncommon for trucking companies to let piles of applications sit around collecting dust. The more persistent you are the more attention you'll get. They don't look at it as being a pest. Quite the opposite in fact. They want people who seem genuinely interested in coming to work for the company so show you're interested and they'll take care of you.
Will do! Thanks for the advice. The recruiter I talked to when they first called was Rick Johnson. I'm gonna give them til Friday and if I haven't heard from them, they will hear from me.
Posted: 10 years, 4 months ago
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So, I got a call from Swift. Filled out the App, just waiting to hear back from them. 13 month commitment in exchange for teaching me. I'm game!
Posted: 10 years, 4 months ago
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Any advice for someone who has been denied a grant to go to school and no way to pay for schooling? Maybe I should move on and find a different job?
Posted: 10 years, 4 months ago
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Failed my CDL road test. Stalled! :(
So, if I read some of these right, you can be sitting dead still say at a light, put the truck in a lower gear, let the clutch out and it will only move when you release the brakes and press the gas?
Did you know you can fill out one quick form here on TruckingTruth and apply to several companies at once for paid CDL training? Seriously! The application only takes one minute. You will speak with recruiters today. There is no obligation whatsoever. Learn more and apply here:
Posted: 10 years, 3 months ago
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Backing and Shifting
So, today I got some time in a truck. I just so happen to have family that drive. My nephew offered to show me a few things with his truck. I got to do alot of backing, straight line into a wide parking spot and in between the fuel pumps at an abandoned truck stop, not all straight line. Also did some 90° backing. I think I did good, only had to do one pull up to get in between the pumps. My arms and legs are tired...instead of letting the truck do what it does, I fought it and it beat me...my nephew pointed out what I was doing, I changed up and I beat the truck.
Shifting...that was a chore. First, he had me pull out in 2nd and go from there to 5th. I grinded a few, he explained that I needed to watch my tach, at around 1500-1600 RPM, with pressure on the stick, release the gas, truck comes out of gear, if truck is below the correct RPM, rev go into next gear. I did this til I could go from 2nd to 5th easily. He then had me go from 2nd to 8th, I missed 8th because of a curve but the others were there, easily. I think I have a good feel for doing both of these with a little more practice.
Down Shifting...sucks.
To be continued...