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Posted: 10 years, 3 months ago
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I have a felony robbery on my record that's 8 years old and I am desperately trying to start my career as a truck driver..I am just starting the journey so I need all the helpful info available.
Posted: 10 years, 3 months ago
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What companies hire felons
I'm looking to start my career..
Deandre, welcome aboard!
This is a topic that comes up fairly often in here. If you use the search bar at the top of the page you can probably find quite a few former discussions about it. Basically it is going to be a little tougher on you to land a job. It is not impossible though. We have some people in here who are drivers with felony backgrounds. Most companies want a waiting period of ten years from final adjudication. Some will accept five years. Occasionally you will find some that will over look it and give you a shot. The most important thing is that you are honest and upfront in the application process. If they uncover something you decided to not make known, you're toast, the damage is done.
Have you got your CDL yet, or are you just looking into the possibility of this career?
You can find a lot of information on hiring requirements of different Trucking Companies by following that link.