was ticketed for using #3 lane to pass slower traffic. reason explained by cop I was in lane #3 for a mile with one chance of returning to lane #2 then continue to pass slower traffic. the pre pass was 2 miles away, so running lane #3 in this area in particular is common. was not speeding. #2 lane also not driver friendly. officer acknowledged condition of lane#2 but lane#3 could not be used for more than a mile at a time. need help in mounting a defense in court
Posted: 9 years, 8 months ago
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On 3 lane itersate lane #3 can used when?
was ticketed for using #3 lane to pass slower traffic. reason explained by cop I was in lane #3 for a mile with one chance of returning to lane #2 then continue to pass slower traffic. the pre pass was 2 miles away, so running lane #3 in this area in particular is common. was not speeding. #2 lane also not driver friendly. officer acknowledged condition of lane#2 but lane#3 could not be used for more than a mile at a time. need help in mounting a defense in court