Profile For Rattlin' Randy

Rattlin' Randy's Info

  • Location:
    Roxboro, NC

  • Driving Status:
    In CDL School

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  • Joined Us:
    10 years, 5 months ago

Rattlin' Randy's Bio

I'm 49 years old, have been working in the Architecture field since 1987 as a draftsman and project manager. When the wheels fell off the economy in 2009, the company I worked for treaded water until 2011, and I was laid off. Having worked there for 24 years, and the fact that they wanted me back as soon as things picked up, I stayed unemployed, or did contract work until 2013 when I was hired on with a large Architecture firm. That was a great gig until they found out the economy wasn't solid enough to bring on 10 new people, so again in 2014, I found myself unemployed.

I've always had a fascination about truck driving, and the lifestyle that comes with it. During my travels up and down the east coast, I'd see trucks on the interstates, or in truck stops, and I'd wonder where they were headed, or where they were coming back from. I always wondered what it would be like to see the country from the inside of one of those monster machines! So, here I sit, unemployed for the 2nd time in 3 years, savings exhausted from being unemployed the 1st time (over 2 years), and a career field that seemed as shaky and unpredictable as a tight-rope walker walking on a slack rope!

During all my endless hours of job searching on the internet, one thing became obvious. There sure were a TON of job listings for truck drivers! So, I said to myself, "'s time to get your CDL" and give this thing a try! I enrolled in a local truck driving school, and am now on my way to getting my CDL!

Wish me luck!

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Posted:  10 years, 5 months ago

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My Prime Inc Training Journal

I'm heading off to Prime Inc CDL training. Currently sitting at the Greyhound terminal in Tampa, FL for my 31-hour trip to Springfield, Missouri. I will update as much as possible on my experience at orientation and the training program. I arrive tomorrow, Sunday, at Campus Inn and start on Monday, 9/15/14.

I got my CDL permit from Florida already. My recruiter told me the tanker endorsement was required, which I got also. I'm going into the reefer division.

My wife has been driving for 6 months now and I've been riding passenger in her truck, learning as much as I can before starting school.

Well, it's almost time to start boarding the bus. I'll update tomorrow with details on my trip there and the Campus Inn.

Husband / wife team? I wish I could talk my wife into getting her CDL! THAT would be THE LIFE!!!! Good luck with your training! It's a little overwhelming at first, but once it starts to "click", it starts to be fun!

Posted:  10 years, 5 months ago

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Week One of Truck Driving School

I started my CDL classes last Monday. The first couple of days were filled with physicals, drug tests, and a bombardment of information! It was pretty fascinating! On Wednesday, I went to DOT to take my tests to get my CDL Learner's Permit, which I passed with flying colors. Thursday morning, I get a call from one of the trainers telling me and a few others to follow him outside to the yard, which we all did. He wen't over pre-trip inspections, then told us to climb in the cab. Ok, this will be cool! I've never even been in a big-rig before! He drives us down to a nearby shopping center with roads all around the center, along with businesses scattered around the shopping center. He had one of the guys that is ahead of me on our class schedule to take the wheel and drive around a bit. It was great watching how he shifted, set up for turns, etc. This went on for a couple of hours, and I was soaking in every bit of info I could get!

Then, our trainer decides he's going to throw the "new guys" to the wolves! Sink or swim!!! Holy Moly! I've never even sat in one of these things, much less driven one! I figured starting out, we'd be in a huge parking lot with some cones or something! I don't want to run over grandma heading to the grocery store! Well, it actually went pretty well! Took me a bit to get used to the lag time with air-brakes, but after a few stops I had the hang of it. Shifting up thru the gears comes easy to me. Downshifting is a whole different story! I just can't seem to get the hang of it!

After lunch, a few of us were called out to the yard again, and we all loaded up. We headed on down to the same shopping center area (very little traffic) and a couple of guys drove a bit. Now it's my turn again, and he sends me right out into heavy traffic! The "pucker factor" was mighty high! I got through it without running anyone over, or taking down any street signs during my turns, but I have to say, THAT was pretty intense!!!

So, tomorrow I will begin Week Two, and hopefully get plenty of chances to work on my downshifting. Thanks so much for this website! I've learned SO much about the industry, and most importantly, what to expect!

Posted:  10 years, 5 months ago

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Interview with Schneider!!!!!

Well, I put my nationwide application online and 8 companies called me back. I picked Schneider because they had the right deal for me and they will work with me. I have an interview with them on Monday at 9:00 am smile.gif u>and hopefully I can get somewhere.

How do you do a "nationwide" application? I'll be finishing up my CDL training in 3 weeks, and am just starting to look at different companies. A little overwhelming to say the least! Congrats on your interview! Be calm, cool, and collected, and most importantly, be yourself!

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