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Posted: 8 years, 2 months ago
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I'm almost to my final decision on which company I am going to go with!
Once again, no true answers. Hometime, TMC, pay Melton, and they may get you home every weekend. In the long run, 1year, there's a company I know of, that pays very well, and likes guys from TMC, "because of their securement " . Will be way more money, but the year is important. I want day any names, but they are in Garner, IS, initials might be I, then maybe an M, maybe T
Posted: 8 years, 2 months ago
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I'm almost to my final decision on which company I am going to go with!
Everyone on here will try to tell you to go with what fits you the best. Good advice, except, you don't know that till you get there. Yes, your getting advice from people that, hopefully worked at one of these companies. This website will never tell you the bad. Don't worry, that's not a bad thing. This is a true introduction to your new career, it's left for you to figure out. At the same time, you can also see, from the post, that no one post a bad review on a company. Maybe they are happy and everything went as planned, or maybe , like myself, went thru something, with a company, and it didn't work for me. I did nothing but speak the truth of my experience. I was never degrading the company, but what did happen, happened. You just need to realize, the absolute crappy worked envoled in the life of a flatbedder. I've actually "worked" my whole life, physically, I thought flatbed was the answer. I didn't want to just sit and drive, I needed to be physical. After doing it for just a short period, I figured out, flatbedders are indeed a special breed, and not only did I not want to be one, I definitely didn't want to be one OTR. It's a lot of work, a dry tarp weighs 120lbs, put rain and snow on it, put 30 mph winds on it, it dangerous, it sucks, but it's rewarding. Just think about that.
Best wishes
Posted: 8 years, 2 months ago
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What can a company legally put on your D.A.C
I'll appear judgemental... My SISTER died and as a federal employee I only got two days for the funeral, so a week for a friend is ludicrous to almost any company.
Adding the "I'll decide if I want to go back OTR".... You basically said "even if you are being lenient enough to give me a week off for a friend, I'm going to dictate to you how I'm going to deal with my employment". If they agreed to the week they were nice. Nicer than any employer I ever had. If they didnt agree to it, then you chose the course. Were you expecting them to hold your place while you ponder things over? I know companies who wouldn't have given you a choice at all at that point. It would have been "you're terminated" which won't look good on references.
My guess is you won't get a good reference whether on your DAC or not. And don't omit them on future applications or you will look like a lair. They go back 10 years for driving jobs.
Well for starters, I wasn't asking for a week off. I would have to take the week because I would have been out with a trainer, therefore, taking a day to attend the funeral, was not an option. Secondly, I was also using the time to decide if OR was what I wanted to do, period. I went to school with all intentions of doing OTR, the death of my friend hit me hard. Here's this man that was perfectly healthy husband and father , alive one day gone the next. Now that happens and then 2hrs later my trainer calls and wants to leave early on Sunday, which means I have to cut my time short with my kids to take them home early. On the way, I'm thinking, I've got to tell them next time they come we'll do something because I would have more time. Wait my friend didn't have more time. So I made the decision then to take a week, attend a funeral and decide if OTR was what I wanted to continue to do. So for everyone of you that couldn't answer a simple question, there's my entire story. For the few or one that did answer it, thank you.
Posted: 8 years, 2 months ago
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What can a company legally put on your D.A.C
I'm sorry you lost a friend. However, most companies, not just trucking companies, draw a line about, I'll call them "important", deaths. If you had lost a family member, that's one thing, but "a friend", though important to you, is not immediate family. Only in the death of a family member will you get priority. So from a company point of view, taking a week off for your friend is a bit too much.
But I see some problems of their own in your attitude here:
So now for the back story, after the first week with my trainer, they called and asked how everything was going , because I was flagged as high risk. I asked why, was told that I refused to get out and look. That happened 1 time in the training yard. Then he said that I take my hands off the wheel when in trouble. This happened on the simulator, I thought I would break the steering wheel, never happened in an actual truck.
All companies push GOAL in trailer backing. I don't need an explanation from you, but refusing to get out of your truck to back a trailer into a spot has no excuse. And "1 time in the training yard" is 1 time too many.
A simulator does just that: represents "real life" in a more controlled environment. So the instructor can make up a situation to see how you react. Taking your hands off the wheel is a reaction no company wants to see from a driver in an accident. The simulator steering wheel is as sturdy as a "real" steering wheel.
Like G-Town says, the problem is in your attitude and your excuses. You come off here as thinking your poop don't stink. You'll get farther of you can take responsibility for your own decisions.
You people act like you know every detail of my situation. I was asking a simple question. Could they put something from orientation on my DAC. I felt the details were important. I was not making excuses, I was simply stating facts.
Posted: 8 years, 2 months ago
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What can a company legally put on your D.A.C
Click this link: DAC report and how-to get one
Chicon I read this post and the TMC reply you wrote on another thread. Old School replied to you on that thread with a well written, concise and comprehensive response. I sincerely suggest you read it and consider your issues with TMC are not about them but all about you; your approach, unrealistic expectations, and your attitude. I hope you do a gut-check and make some adjustments before attempting to re-enter this industry, otherwise the same result will likely occur somewhere else.
I didn't leave the industry, I got a local driving job. Thank youNot a bad idea to read this archived link as well: Do you have the right temperament for this job?
I hope you can get things worked out. Good luck.
Posted: 8 years, 2 months ago
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I'm almost to my final decision on which company I am going to go with!
Old School, I think there's times when someone should read a whole post before they respond, maybe you did that or maybe you just took it out of context. I posted what I did the way I did to get his attention. People always like to tell you what you want to hear first , then might throw so not so good in the mix. I chose to be blunt. Things I said are true, am I pointing a finger, yeah I am. I knew some of what to expect before I got there. Things I said, like they all still think their in the military, that didn't bother me, that was just letting him know. As far as taking a week off. They tell you that if something happens and you need to take a week off (because you have to take a week ,because your on a trainers truck) then it's on you and it's just going to make it a week longer before you get your truck. I'm sorry if you think that my using of the word "blackmail" was strong, but that's the what it was. I didn't choose to quit, they made that choice for me. That's really the only thing I'm sour about toward them. Things happen in life that are beyond our control. Did I think that an email would suffice? At the time, it had to, it was a Sunday and I couldn't let anyone but my driver trainer know by phone and he was understanding and said the he to would get in touch with the driver manager and let him know what was going on. The simulator...... you're right, I didn't take it seriously, it's a waste of time and money, it done me no good. I asked the guy why he ran the car into the back of me and his response was" I just do that sometimes " . Now here's the scenario, on a mountain, at night, it's dark, its snowing, the posted speed limit for trucks was 25, the car was behind me the whole time, I'm going 25, then slow down to 20, back to up to 25, then back to 20 and so on, then..... bam the same car rams me and knocks me off the mountain. I'm sorry but I can not see that happening period. But to put down takes hands off wheel when in trouble..... yeah on the simulator when I'm already flipping down a mountain. Like I stated, I was just being honest telling him what to expect and what not to do. I read post on here for a year before I even went to school. I was sure that since my children, were older, that I could be gone and that I wanted to do flatbed. But then an unexpected death changed my prospective on it, but I never said I wanted to quit. Turns out, it was good thing that they didn't want to continue, because I found a local driving opportunity with the same pay. I got lucky, indeed, local jobs with no experience are hard to find. I love driving and plan on going OTR with my wife once our children are grown.
Old School, I appreciate your response and all your post. This the best website for everything trucking . At the same time it's easy to read a response or post and think that, we the reader ,knows what the person writing about feels or felt and come up with our on conclusions. Sometimes the "real truth" is what needs to be said, things shouldn't be sugar coated.
Thank you again for all your contributions to this site.
Posted: 8 years, 2 months ago
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I'm almost to my final decision on which company I am going to go with!
I can tell you that they could possibly blackmail you if you happen to decide that you don't want to do OTR or flatbed or that someone died and you need time off from training to attend the funeral.
Okay, I read what you said about this in another thread, and I think your word of blackmail is a little strong here. They just laid out the facts for you. They said you could quit, and not get your last check, which is explained in orientation paperwork (yes, I've been there, and I know how this works), or they could release you but you could probably expect something negative on your DAC. That is not blackmail, when they fire you they put the reason why on your DAC. Quitting has consequences, and so does failure - get over it man! The truth here is found somewhere in the middle of all your remarks, and I think this statement comes the closest to the truth of anything you've stated so far... "if you happen to decide that you don't want to do OTR or flatbed."
Look, if you decide you don't like it that is all fine and good, but don't go blaming the company for that. And companies have policies on funeral leave. I don't know the specifics at TMC, but I can tell you that most companies don't allow you to take a week off for a friend's death, expecially whil you are on a trainer's truck! It is sad to lose a friend, no one will argue with that, but as a brand new employee who is already "at risk" you made a big blunder by just sending an email and then expecting that to suffice for you to take a week off. I don't think most company policies allow a week off for even a family members death. Now, had you been a well established, proven driver, with an excellent track record, this would have all been handled differently. But as a rookie in training, you really expected to get the kid glove treatment? Chicon, you made some big mistakes, and now you are going to face the consequences.
I can also tell you that they do know what they are doing and they are very good at it.
Well, you redeemed yourself with that statement, congratulations! You just had to get some of that bitter taste out of your mouth first I guess.
I'm not telling you any of this to guide you away from it. It's just a lot more to it than you think there is.
Well, it certainly sounded as if you were wanting to guide him away from TMC, in fact it sounded something like sour grapes. You finally came around to the truth though, so I am glad of that. That part about "it's just a lot more than you think" is golden! I think you realize that now, and it is good advice for anyone just getting started in this career.
Chicon, I wish you the best, but I think this introduction into trucking has taken you a little bit by surprise. It happens to many of us. I hope you can adjust and make an enjoyable career out of it, but if you can't, please don't do as some, and make a career out of pointing out all the ways that you have been done wrong by the trucking companies.
Old School, I think there's times when someone should read a while post before they respond, maybe you did that or maybe you just took it out of context. I posted what I did the way I did to get his attention. People always like to tell you what you want to hear first , then might throw so not so good in the mix. I chose to be blunt. Things I said are true, am I pointing a finger, yeah I am. I knew some of what to expect before I got there. Things I said, like they all still think their in the military, that didn't bother me, that was just letting him know. As far as taking a week off. They tell you that if something happens and you need to take a week off (because you have to take a week ,because your on a trainers truck) then it's on you and it's just going to make it a week longer before you get your truck. I'm sorry if you think that my using of the word "blackmail" was strong, but that's the what it was. I didn't choose to quit, they made that choice for me. That's really the only thing I'm sour about toward them. Things happen in life that are beyond our control. Did I think that an email would suffice? At the time, it had to, it was a Sunday and I couldn't let anyone but my driver trainer know by phone and he was understanding and said the he to would get in touch with the driver manager and let him know what was going on.
Posted: 8 years, 2 months ago
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I'm almost to my final decision on which company I am going to go with!
Thanks Parrothead66 I will pay attention and do the best I can before making a decision to leave. I know that I have been here at my current job for 2.5 years before I decided that I had, had enough of the crap they giving me. Definitely will do my best for a year and if all works out well then I will stay for sure. 1st year is always the toughest too, so we will have to see.
Well, Chicon, I guess I will see how I can fair with TMC for a year unless I decide to go work with another company. I will probably go through the list one more time before making a final decision. I definitely want to recheck Melton, Decker, and Werner before I make my final decision. Have you all heard anything about Melton, Decker and Werner?
My buddy was pushing me towards TMC to start with, I told him that I was leaning towards Melton. " I've never heard of them he said" well about 2 hours later he was calling me with another of his buddys on the phone. This guy had worked at Melton, had nothing bad to say except, that you tarp everything, but that you are going to make very good money. Like I said earlier, I had already bought my plane ticket to go to Melton, but ended up at TMC, just for the simple fact that their training is second to none. And as far as the "urban legends" , they are not.
Posted: 8 years, 2 months ago
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I'm almost to my final decision on which company I am going to go with!
I can tell you that they could possibly blackmail you if you happen to decide that you don't want to do OTR or flatbed or that someone died and you need time off from training to attend the funeral.
Are you talking about TMC when you say that or are you talking about all companies in general? I did know that it is quite physical but all that you said was very helpful.
Just talking about Turtles Moving Cargo. I had actually bought my plane ticket to go to Melton, but the recruiter for the black and chrome came in to class and I changed. I never really considered McElroy just for the simple fact that I heard you can't make as much there. Sure the have a higher cpm, but that don't pay you to tarp. Tmc' s % pay has it good and it's bad. I think you start at 26 or 27, I can't remember, but at that rate, the money is so so. It takes a lot to raise your %, but not a lot for it to lower. There are several different factors to raise it, I don't remember all of them, I'm sure I have the book around still, but one is "park up points" meaning that you have to be within like 50 miles or something, of the place you are delivering to on Monday. So depending on where that is, determines what time you have cut your home time short. Another way to raise the % is by mpg, which is a tricky one. Let's say it's 20ยบ outside, your truck doesn't have an APU, so how do you stay warm? Got to idle the truck, which uses fuel, which.... That's right affects your MPG. What ..... electric heater.... well then at some point the truck will need to idle to charge the battery. Which is another issue, you get one free jump , run your battery dead again, your paying for it. I'm not saying they're a bad company to work for but the recruiter isn't going to tell you all this. They are a starter company, unless you stay long enough to get into the boat division or heavy haul.
Posted: 8 years, 2 months ago
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I'm almost to my final decision on which company I am going to go with!
No not saying anything bad about any companies, I'm just saying there's more to being a flatbedder than you think. The best thing to do, if your worried about hometime, is go to who guarantees it. Melton told me every two weeks, but a driver in my area told me every weekend. But the morale of my story is not about hometime, I got lucky and am home every night, still driving with my CDL-A, my morale is, I thought, that since I like to physically work, then flatbedding was the way, but I soon saw the dangers and a long with that and a close friend dying, I choose different.