Profile For Jon R.

Jon R.'s Info

  • Location:
    boise , ID

  • Driving Status:
    Experienced Driver

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    10 years, 5 months ago

Jon R.'s Bio

34 yrs driving experience " doubles / tripples / crane certified , started driving in 1980 "before CDL's were mandatory , CDL instructor for 5 yrs @ a PTDI Accredited Trucking driving school ( Sage technical services caldwell Id.) trained well over 700 students from 2006 to 2011 ... I now drive casually for a co. leased to D&D transportation services in Gooding Id . as health problems forced me into semi retirement from driving full time . I like mentoring new drivers & answering questions , I will not bullshyte any one ..

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Posted:  9 years, 6 months ago

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LTL Trucking - My linehaul job


Tyler, I didn't get your PM. Try again. I'll check my spam folder as well.

An hour commute would be hefty my friend.

I've yet to make it to one of Chris' BBQs. It's for a lack of time.

Not to take away from Chris, but you'll wanna inquire into whatever companies you're interested in, to see if they have their own paid training program. I could've saved 5k if I went to OD's training. But, I don't regret the training I got at Chris' school. Plus, at that time I didn't know about paid training for LTL, and wanted to have more options in choosing a truckload company that didn't have paid training, like Crete / Shaffer or Schneider.


pm sent

after working for Sage schools in Caldwell Id. for 5 yrs .and Success for 1 yrs .) I have "NEVER " seen a LTL / freight Co. reimburse for tuition . and the big carriers "shaffer / May / Schneider / SWIFT etc. only do it for a 1 year commitment ,( or their schools with a 1 yr commitment ) then it's a little payments for reimbursement over a year term .. the tuition is now well over 5,000$ for CDL training from an accredited school .And the big OTR co. wont hire unless you have the paper of accreditation , the smaller schools wont do anything but give you 96 hrs class ( including 4 hrs testing for permit ). 40 hrs BTW. and 4 hrs w/ a examiner .for approx . $ 4,000 +- ..then I gave alot of specialized training ( folks permit in hand ) taught pretrip ,how to back / to drive in traffic ..they passed test , and away they went ... most folks don't have this kind of $$ laying around ..

thats where a majority of drivers both OTR & LTL are from ....SAGE went to this type of training ....more power to them ,,it's about $$ !

but certantly differently different world ( rules ) wise than was 30 ago . best of luck to ya all !

Posted:  9 years, 6 months ago

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LTL Trucking - My linehaul job

I have an opportunity to get one of these linehaul positions. Applied today as a matter of fact.

I was also wondering, as someone asked, what happens if you get delayed for some reason (snow or ice or whatever) and you are up against your hours?

Anyone know how they deal with this as far as making up the delivery, retribution and the like?


there is a 16 hour provision for inclement weather , between the OTR ,I ran line haul for 15 yrs .

Posted:  9 years, 7 months ago

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LTL Trucking - My linehaul job

I agree Brett . ,, as an old timer driver and having done both types of driving , the LTL in the old days was something reserved for a different style of driver , and some freight companies wouldnt hire OTR drivers . and OTR co.'s wouldnt hire Freight haulers ..

I found the diversity about talking over these two areas as an instructor @ SAGE SCHOOLS IN CALDWELL ,, and % of students went directly to yellow / old dominion / CF at the time ( before they closed ) and a few other freight haulers ...and not all students went Over the road . it helped when the student knew some one in the freight business however ,,,,

Posted:  9 years, 8 months ago

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LTL Trucking - My linehaul job

Congrats on the find there , the last line haul I did was in 2003-04 ,,I did local out of Boise Id. (ETC espenscheid N.salt lake Ut.) then did line haul from Boise id, to snowville Ut , or tremonton Ut. and drop & hook & return to boise ,Id .. (the hardest part was conditioning my body clock to driving all night , and sleeping all day ,) and an occational drop a box & hook a box at another facility , but prior to that I did line haul for 12 yrs for various companies ,, tripples / quads in nevada (only state that allowed it in the 80's with a 150 ft permit . (Reno Nv. to Las Vegas Nv. )on hwy 95 for system 99.. but I loved it ... still would if I could find a co. to hire me as a casual driver ..

now a days it's better than OTR "48 states", comparing what OTR has become ...

Posted:  9 years, 11 months ago

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LTL Trucking - My linehaul job

Eric S. when I ran Team @ fred meyer in 91-2 ( out of portland Or. to salt lake Ut. and back ) we had the set's hooked for us mostly ,but sometimes we'd have to hook & both of us would hostle the dollies " ....then @ ETC terminal in Boise Id. we had to lift the tongue ...weight ... but most newer ones have a landing gear roll wheel for help ) But that's when I pretty much gave up the line haul in 04 "really hurt my back bad ", then the ICE / up hill ....yeah I hear ya earn all the hourly you get ...and keep's ya in good shape when your young ,,,, if I could get a gig to pull hooked sets from boise Id to twin falls, Id. & back occassionally I'd do that .. but NO break & Hook ... but freight co.'s want full timers ...

like unloading a loaded trailer ( lumping your own load ) .. dont do that any more either ......LOL !!

Posted:  9 years, 11 months ago

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LTL Trucking - My linehaul job

Eric S. I hear ya . after doing OTR from 80-91 ,I got tired of the OTR thing to so that's why went to the line haul GIG as well .. home time ..etc.. "started w/ Yellow freight in Boise Id. / then UPS . seasonal .. then some area freight co.'s ..for 10 + yrs . then went back to regional when I couldnt physically hook/ & push / pull dollies any more .. I'm not the young buck any more !

Posted:  9 years, 11 months ago

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LTL Trucking - My linehaul job

Out here in Boise Id . the Estes terminal . here & in Salt lake Ut. / Portland Or .they do pay by the hr. if you return to the same terminal that day , if you run to Portland take 10 off & return , then some times they will pay by the mi. + pay for the motel & Per diem( food ) .. and if ya have to chain & hook /un hook that BTH .. I did that for 10 + yrs .. from Boise Id to portland Or.. Boise, Id Seattle Wa. (Fred meyers & other Co's ) ,,and Boise, Id . salt lake, Ut. T/ A . all line haul tripples / summer (all d/h )...doubbles winter ..1990- 2002 .. then back to regional , then to instructing , now casual ..

Posted:  10 years ago

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LTL Trucking - My linehaul job

And 6 string ,

diversity is what trking co. are looking for on a resume , Yes there looking for time "more that 3 yrs w/ one carrier " but diversity " if you have done a little LTL / some OTR , that's what attract's them to a perspective driver ..

and I've seem my share of new road testees who have done their time OTR then did some line haul ,, then back to regional OTR ,, for past 15 yrs ,, then settled back back into sole LTL / and line haul w/ a local co . so for A week or two they will do local P&D .. the fill in for line haul guy pulling doubles & tripples ...then back to P&D ...I did that for 15 yrs ...then did some regional casual " & some ..instructing ,,,

but diversity is great ..

Posted:  10 years ago

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LTL Trucking - My linehaul job

Hi All ..

In my 5 yrs instructing @ Sage Schools in Caldwell, Idaho , I knew many students who went directly to LTL / P&d from school .instead of going OTR with a major carrier , and there still doing the LTL & line haul gig . just depends on the preference of job you want in the industry ..

many went to work in the oil fields as well ( in 2007-8 ) .. and came back recently when those jobs dried up .. and went back to running 7- 8 west states .

Posted:  10 years, 1 month ago

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LTL Trucking - My linehaul job

Well fellow drivers ..

I say everyone to their own ,,, if we just ignore this one ,and not reply ! the thread will stop ..OR the OWNER can simply ban the person ..I know this is harsh ...but it's a thought ..

I've again done it all in the industry 34+ yrs out here ,I don't bragg , NOR do I shove my job down others throats ,,So 6 string you minght want to take heed in that simple advice ....and cease ...! ....or don't .......

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