Profile For Patrick Mc.

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Posted:  9 years, 10 months ago

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Another Concern about Passing the DOT Physical

Hey Tim, I might be able to help you out with this. I had to take a physical with prime and when I had to see the doctor he made us squat and take about 4 steps forward, walk like a duck I'm 6'3" 235lbs and had no problem doing this. There was no test around a truck or anything. Our physical was done in 2 steps. When you fill out your paperwork you see the nurses where you take the drug test, then they test your eyesight by reading the eye board, right eye, left eye, both eyes. Then they tell tell you to distinguish colors on a board. They test your hearing by telling you to turn your head and they whisper words like January, November, and you have to repeat what they say. Then they hold two.small poles in their hands and have you pull on them. After that they have you bend over and pick up a tote of weights with about 50-60lbs in it. Then they check your blood pressure. After that we had to return to a different office later that day to see the official doctor. When he came in you had to have your shoes, socks and shirt off. He checks your eyes, ears, listens to your breathing with the stethoscope. He hits your knee to test your reflexes He holds out his hands and tell you to press down on them. Then squat and walk like a duck. After that it's the good Ole hernia check where you drop your drawers, he cuffs your boys and you cough. After that is over he'll tell you whether your qualified or not depending on your medical history. Usually 2 years if your fit for duty, maybe less if you have any blood pressure or health issues, or maybe not at all depending on if your on disqualifying medicines or you need to be cleared of something first. I hope this helps.

Thank you very much for that answer, I'm studying to enter this great industry and am interested in Prime. Heck of a preview, I appreciate it very much! Now back to trying to get through the High Road training guide :)

Posted:  9 years, 10 months ago

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Another Concern about Passing the DOT Physical

Hey Tim, I might be able to help you out with this. I had to take a physical with prime and when I had to see the doctor he made us squat and take about 4 steps forward, walk like a duck I'm 6'3" 235lbs and had no problem doing this. There was no test around a truck or anything. Our physical was done in 2 steps. When you fill out your paperwork you see the nurses where you take the drug test, then they test your eyesight by reading the eye board, right eye, left eye, both eyes. Then they tell tell you to distinguish colors on a board. They test your hearing by telling you to turn your head and they whisper words like January, November, and you have to repeat what they say. Then they hold two.small poles in their hands and have you pull on them. After that they have you bend over and pick up a tote of weights with about 50-60lbs in it. Then they check your blood pressure. After that we had to return to a different office later that day to see the official doctor. When he came in you had to have your shoes, socks and shirt off. He checks your eyes, ears, listens to your breathing with the stethoscope. He hits your knee to test your reflexes He holds out his hands and tell you to press down on them. Then squat and walk like a duck. After that it's the good Ole hernia check where you drop your drawers, he cuffs your boys and you cough. After that is over he'll tell you whether your qualified or not depending on your medical history. Usually 2 years if your fit for duty, maybe less if you have any blood pressure or health issues, or maybe not at all depending on if your on disqualifying medicines or you need to be cleared of something first. I hope this helps.


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