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Posted: 10 years, 3 months ago
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Difficulty with Prime trainer. Please advise.
Sounds like you need to go past your FM about this.
Safety is who directed me to my FM. So i don't know if I need to go to them again or someone higher.
Posted: 10 years, 3 months ago
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Difficulty with Prime trainer. Please advise.
OMG!!! I thought i had it bad. The fact that this guy is on the road is scary. He is a threat to everyone and needs to be stopped. I cant believe how much dangerous behavior i see on the road. I will come up on a semi losing its lane and driving erratically and as i pass them i see feet on dashes and cell phones in hand, texting. Crazy **** and it ****es me off.
Report it to their company. After enough complaints come through their safety department won't be able to overlook it. A lot of the idiots are owner operators though... I will admit, I have called 911 to report a few drivers as being impared. It may not get them off the road, but maybe it will make them think twice about what they're doing after they get stopped and inspected a few times.
And guess what. He's an owner operator...
Posted: 10 years, 3 months ago
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Difficulty with Prime trainer. Please advise.
Hope the #1 thing you can do is call Prime's safety department. I was in Springfield for a visit and met a couple of these guys wandering about they seemed pretty straight forward and both of them insured I could call if anything was bothering me while on the road as far as safety is concerned. I personally would make it a point to most definitely say something to this trainer very loudly and without mincing words when he doses off in the driver's seat as like many people on here have already made mention of it's your life as well as his and 100's of other people's at stake here. Like Daniel said either give him a call or a message or call Prime's safety team. As a former safety team member for a fortune 500 company I would hope that they bring quick resolution to your matter either way please keep us updated and good luck out there.
Hey guys, Hope was actually my mom acting as me and she basically voiced all my concerns and problems with this guy. I called Safety on Monday which then directed me to my actual FM. Since I'm already full on my drive time hours he said it'd be best if I stayed on till we're back in Sprimo. Which irritates me more than anything simply because I want nothing more than to get off this truck and head back and practice what I need to to pass for tnt. With that being said, once we head back to sprimo we're going to have a nice little chat with my fm about what's been going on.
His negligence has been frustrating, and quite literally it feels like I have to be the adult here at times. He's literally 15 years older than me and it seems I have to babysit him if he's dozing off on the road. In the entire time I've been out Ive probably driven a 1/4th of the time that we've been out which has been over a MONTH. I tried calling my fm on his cell when he was out twice and he didn't answer either time and I even left a voice message. When I tried calling the replacement even when I brought concerns on safety the guy simply said "It's part of the job interview " and safety wasn't in this past weekend for me to call.
All I want is to get off this truck and yet my fm won't let me until I'm back in Springfield. We're in Denver CO right now waiting for our 01 to be prepared. Quite frankly this entire system seems to have worked against me and I can't even confront my trainer about it because of his volatile personality. If I can't do anything till I get back to sprimo on this truck I'm seriously considering jumping off this program full haul. I want to be a trucker, but I can't do it with these people pushing me back when I need help.
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Posted: 10 years, 3 months ago
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Difficulty with Prime trainer. Please advise.
Great, now I don't have a trainer to test out with because he's heading to Texas as soon as we get back. Ugh. I need someone to help me out. I just want to test out and be done with it,