Profile For movingmetal

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Professional driver like really

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Posted:  10 years ago

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Manual Labor trucking jobs

I think working for one of those local companys you named above I would really enjoy. Thanks for the advice.

Posted:  10 years ago

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Time versus mileage, it's a challenge

I'm having a hard time understanding what you are trying to say about your hours or time. What you posted looks like some normal days on the job. You cant always get those days where you just climb out from the back and turn miles all day.

Posted:  10 years ago

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Manual Labor trucking jobs

What are the best labor trucking jobs that pay well? I am currently a otr driver. I do not want to quit trucking. I would like a job that I get out of the truck frequently and work hard also getting paid well for my manpower.

Posted:  10 years ago

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Countless hours of unpaid work as a company driver. Trucking truth

Im all about the hard work pays off and you get what you put into something. The 1000 hours in one year of unpaid work doesn't sit right with me. That's called robbery.

Posted:  10 years ago

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Countless hours of unpaid work as a company driver. Trucking truth

You work way more hours than a normal worker and all those off duty hours you are working to save clock because you only get paid for miles. Experienced truckers need to chime in on what move to make so im always getting paid. I like otr and the job but all this unpaid work is ridiculous.

Posted:  10 years ago

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Is trucking getting safer or more dangerous?

The population of humans is out of control. Youll think its rush hour at 10pm sometimes. The roads were built decades ago for less traffic. Construction is difficult to achieve with all the joyriders clogging the roads. They don't build enough areas for truckers to stop. Its absolutely asinine sometimes at these truck stops. This same population pays our checks but at same time the usa needs to be more trucker friendly. I see thousands of fuel stops and food areas for 4wheelers compared to truck stops. I dont know about more dangerous but the system could use some work.

Posted:  10 years ago

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With Swift Training how soon after school do you go out with trainer

I went to school in richmond. They took VA PA and NC students only. Like I said we tested out at swift to pass the school. Pa students and nc students were sent home to test at their own dmv test sites. I was from va. We took a swift freightliner about 30 minutes away to a dmv test site to obtain our cdl.

Posted:  10 years ago

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Speed and money

Dont forget to factor in dot hours of service and 14 hour clock. You are your own time management so that is irrelevant. In a faster truck you will gain more miles and your 70 hour clock will get more miles.

Posted:  10 years ago

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Speed and money

This is basic math and common sense. These guys saying no are wrong. Im on my way to Washington state from new york. 2700 mile trip. Now you tell me if I make more money in a faster or slower truck.

Posted:  10 years ago

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With Swift Training how soon after school do you go out with trainer

After you pass the school you need to pass all over again at dmv. After dmv you can go to orientation the following monday. If a mentor isnt available on Wednesday they put you into a hotel untill the mentor shows up.

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