Profile For Terence L.

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Posted:  8 years, 8 months ago

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DAC Report

Thx for the reply old school! i guess i got a few calls to make. will do 2moro and post the results

Posted:  8 years, 8 months ago

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DAC Report


hello all, i have a question. i was told by a recruiter that i had a positvie d/t for a refussal, but i can find no records fo this. where can one go to verify this? is there a web site or something? i have my DAC and it says nothing of the sort. ???


Did you refuse a drug test or is the info erroneous? If you did not, you can refute the info on your DAC.

no i did n't and its not on my DAC

Posted:  8 years, 8 months ago

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DAC Report

hello all, i have a question. i was told by a recruiter that i had a positvie d/t for a refussal, but i can find no records fo this. where can one go to verify this? is there a web site or something? i have my DAC and it says nothing of the sort. ???

Posted:  9 years, 7 months ago

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I was sent home from an orientation with Swift on the second day and was told I was under contract with another company (crst) from 2012! I was thinking what does that have to do with anything. Then I was told that I was basically "owned" by crst due to this unfulfilled contract and that that crst wouldn't release me. Made no sense so instead of push the issue, I just left. Wouldn't wanna be part of a company that operates like that anyway. And I use to wonder why Swift gets a bad rap. Now I see.


Seriously Terence - shame on you for acting like you've done nothing wrong and Swift is the bad guy. You signed a contract with CRST, you broke the contract, and years later you still haven't repaid your debtsarrow-10x10.png. Now you're going around bad-mouthing Swift for being a bad company????? Well I'm bad-mouthing you for clogging up our forum with your misinformation, failing to fulfill your obligations, and failing to take responsibility for causing these companies so much grief. And you're lucky Swift doesn't come after you to reimburse them for the cost of recruiting, transporting, and housing you.

Folks, this is why you don't waste your time scouring the web looking for "reviews" of trucking companies by people in forums and you never listen to just one side of a story.


Is a Non-Compete Agreement Legal?

In a few states, they are generally not legal. For example, in California, a non-compete agreement is enforceable only if someone sells a business and agrees not to compete with the new owner. That aside, California employers cannot restrict the livelihood of their current or former employees.

Posted:  9 years, 7 months ago

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if one is considered "under contract" with a company is it true that no other company can hire you?

This is something i found and would like to share with my "critics" who chimed in on my post. Now what what you saying about Swift?

Posted:  9 years, 7 months ago

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Hey listen im very grateful for all the feedback an apologize for coming across as bad mouthing SWIFT as that really wasn't my intent. I was really just slightly expressing my frustration with the situation that I put myself in, however this is something that was discussed with my recruiter PRIOR to me going to orientation and i just felt alot of time and money could have been saved had I known. True its my fault, i shouldve known what i was signing when i went through the refresher at CRST. I made MY bed and I will lie in it. Until then i wanna thank everyone who responded as it seems this topic enlightened MYSELF as well as OTHERS. This is a GREAT SITE that i appreciate and will continuearrow-10x10.png to use. Once again my apologies to both SWIFT and CRST and anyone who drives for them. I LOVE this site and thats the Truckin Truth!

Now i can Explain to the Wife!

Posted:  9 years, 7 months ago

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Hey listen im very grateful for all the feedback an apologize for coming across as bad mouthing SWIFT as that really wasn't my intent. I was really just slightly expressing my frustration with the situation that I put myself in, however this is something that was discussed with my recruiter PRIOR to me going to orientation and i just felt alot of time and money could have been saved had I known. True its my fault, i shouldve known what i was signing when i went through the refresher at CRST. I made MY bed and I will lie in it. Until then i wanna thank everyone who responded as it seems this topic enlightened MYSELF as well as OTHERS. This is a GREAT SITE that i appreciate and will continue to use. Once again my apologies to both SWIFT and CRST and anyone who drives for them. I LOVE this site and thats the Truckin Truth!

Posted:  9 years, 7 months ago

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if one is considered "under contract" with a company is it true that no other company can hire you?

thanks for the reply. I was sent home from an orientation with Swift on the second day and was told I was under contract with another company (crst) from 2012! I was thinking what does that have to do with anything. Then I was told that I was basically "owned" by crst due to this unfulfilled contract and that that crst wouldn't release me. Made no sense so instead of push the issue, I just left. Wouldn't wanna be part of a company that operates like that anyway. And I use to wonder why Swift gets a bad rap. Now I see.

Posted:  9 years, 7 months ago

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if one is considered "under contract" with a company is it true that no other company can hire you?

Posted:  9 years, 8 months ago

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Refresher training

Thanks for the response. I guess I could ve been more specific, any who I'm trying to get back in the game and just wanted insight, thought about USX but I'm in California and ain't too found of riding Greyhound to Texas, now I'm leaning towards Western. Insight anyone?

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