Profile For December Hopeful

December Hopeful's Info

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    Dayton, OH

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    Company Driver In Training

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    10 years, 4 months ago

December Hopeful's Bio

December Hopeful because I am hoping December will see me with my CDL !!

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Posted:  10 years, 2 months ago

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Trucker pay has fallen when adjusted for inflation

I don't want to get completely on my soap box here, but you left out one big word that explains why wages across all industries are stagnating while corporate profits, corporate liquid assets (cash), and corporate executive salaries are all at record highs: greed.

Ah, greed. One of the seven deadly sins. Did anyone on the boards ever doubt huge corporations are driven by it. Pardon the pun. It just worked out that way. But I'm still making more here soon (just started this week) than I've ever made in my life in any pink-collar jobs. But I do seriously consider the work and the money. I think it's so very sad that the govt. has basically sucked the life out of the general population. People are just being used up to support the establishment and the politicians. (One and the same?) Maybe. Just remember, they can't take it with them, and everyone will one day face their Maker.

Posted:  10 years, 2 months ago

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Are you really sure that this is what you want?

Lol you laugh boots but my last trainee dropped me off at the nail salon TWICE! Id be more than happy to train any lady trucker that truly wants to learn!

I've had fake nails only briefly 3 different times in my life and considering them again, if only for something fun and lady-like to do, but heard about gel only nails from a lady trucker who is now in an office at my truck school. Not sure what I'll do, but it was just fun reading this comment about getting dropped off at the nail salon...twice !! Ha-ha !!

Posted:  10 years, 2 months ago

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What's your favorite sign?

Speaking of signs, is there anybody here who doesn't like or want a collection of these signs? ---> $$$$$$$$$$$$ dancing-dog.gif

Hoping to collect enough of that very sign to pay off both my CDL school loan and my college debt !! And much more...

Posted:  10 years, 2 months ago

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What's your favorite sign?

"PORT OF ENTRY". First time I saw this I pulled off the road to find my passport 😊. Merry Christmas all.

That's hilarious !!

Posted:  10 years, 2 months ago

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Getting ready for CDL training. Scared my relationship is going to suffer

I don't know about that man of yours. But if trucking is what you need to do, you have to be fully into the responsibilities it entails. You say you have 4 boys. What kind of trucking are you undertaking with them all living at home and you needing to be as you say, both mother and father? Which is impossible by the way. You're the mom. The single mom cannot also be a dad. Hopefully, they do see their dad. Back twenty years ago, my truck-driver brother yelled at me that I had to be both mother and father. I'm sorry, but the father jumped ship and left me to be a single mother. Now as far as earning a living, we did have to do that, right, single ladies? My daughter is grown now and she's my advocate in all this new adventure. I just learned the account I wanted is not all it was made out to be. I'll have to find another account hopefully that will allow me to go home every weekend or so. I want to be fairly close to my home state and stay east of the Mississippi for family responsibilities. (Aging mother, and about to get a place with adult daughter who needs mom again). My training, however, will take me to any number of the 48 contiguous. I'm excited and looking to see what I can see for these upcoming weeks of company training.

Just be sure to do your homework on getting the company and the account that will work for you and your family. Best of luck to you. Let us know what you decide.

Posted:  10 years, 2 months ago

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The good, the bad, and the ugly about women in trucking

Anyone heard anything more from original poster, Regina S. as to her decision to go for it or leave it alone? It's the day after Christmas 2014, and I'm in hotel in Columbus, Ohio, waiting for my new trainer's Freightliner to get fixed at the dealership with an issue under warranty. We just left the terminal in Springfrield to come here after other repairs were being done there. What a whirlwind was orientation and immediately being assigned a brand new trainer! I'm her first trainee! Again, I'm all about the adventure! Ha-ha!

Posted:  10 years, 2 months ago

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My training at Millis Transfer in Alvarado, Tx


Thanks for the quick reply! I hope you are enjoying your time with your trainer.


No problem. If you have any more questions feel free to ask. I passed my CDL last Friday but, I don't go out with my trainer until after xmas. I passed with a 90 YAY!! lol

Great Score !! Hooray for you, Photogirl !!

Posted:  10 years, 2 months ago

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Driving Footwear

Thanks for all the advice!! I've got decent footwear for when I jump out of the truck, so I'm just more wondering about footwear that'll keep my feet warm during the cold winters and are comfortable to wear driving. I like the thought of slippers for driving in and plan on buying some for in the truck so I'm just wondering what all my fellow lady drivers are wearing if they drive in slippers.

I'm a little confused. Slippers are unsafe for driving, so doubtful that you will be advised on brands to wear for that purpose. Your truck's heater should help your feet and legs stay plenty warm. Be safe. Drive only in approved footwear. You have double-clutching and all that shifting to do. Common sense, you know?

Posted:  10 years, 2 months ago

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December 19th = Date I passed my CDL road test and have my certificate from truck school.

Thanks again, everyone. And thanks, Jolie !! We exchanged phone numbers and our hometowns are in Ohio, have spoken on phone several times, but have yet to meet in person.

I have a great new trainer, Terry. She and I are at hotel waiting on Freightliner dealer to fix a computer issue under warranty on the truck. Back in of all places, Columbus, Ohio. LOL !! Not sure how to correctly describe this, but I have to get used to whole new shift locations for the numbers as it's a 10 speed rather than 8 speed. Terry trained on one in her truck school, but I trained on the 8. I've already learned that it's often a lot of hurry up and wait when it comes to the truck. What an adventure this is gonna be.

Posted:  10 years, 2 months ago

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I consider myself among a select few, I guess when I read stuff like this. By the grace of God, go I. I could have been drug or alcohol addicted, namely nicotine or beer/wine, but I have such a low tolerance and experience watching numerous family members flounder in that portion of their lives, that I never wanted those substances in excess. As for fighting or theft, that too just was not me. No matter the felony, I would have to say, if you did your time, followed up promptly with all probationary processes, etc. and this one company out of North Carolina is offering you an option to start training with them, why not raise the funds in some legal manner yourself and go on out there? You have an opportunity. I say, cease it while they say they will take you and your past. Build toward your future. You know?

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