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Posted: 9 years, 6 months ago
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Lease purchase on equipment of youre choice
On like say a truck that you would want at a given dealership
Posted: 9 years, 6 months ago
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Lease purchase on equipment of youre choice
Anyone know of any decent non scamming L/P programs that let you pick the truck of your choice and can haul their trailer?
Posted: 10 years, 4 months ago
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I just got my radiology report and a discharge paper with the sentence " The patient may drive a commercial motor vehicle Class A with the necessary requirements for flatbed physical labor." Thanks a lot OS. Means alot man. Anyone else have similar problems like these?
Posted: 10 years, 4 months ago
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Thanks Old School. I take no meds for this condition. I actually take no meds at all so. Just getting the proper documentation will help or will it put me in the clear if you know?
Posted: 10 years, 4 months ago
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I am a recent CDL graduate, trying to get hired on with TMC Transportation. I was just wondering if they do a urinalysis sample at orientation, because I have small non obstructing kidney stones and the recruiter is giving me a story about if they find more than 1+ of blood in my urine they will send me home.. Now with that said, i've always wanted to drive for this company, but now they're kinda shooting my hopes down because of this issue I cant control, even though I was cleared through the DOT physical. I am in excellent shape and have no pain or visible blood in my urine. I just wanna know if they do a urinalysis( with the drug screen) for my own sanity.
Posted: 10 years, 4 months ago
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My TMC Transport Orientation and Training
I am a recent CDL graduate, trying to get hired on with TMC. I was just wondering if they do a urinalysis sample at orientation, because I have small non obstructing kidney stones and the recruiter is giving me a story about if they find more than 1+ of blood in my urine they will send me home.. Now with that said, ive always wanted to drive for this company, but now theyre kinda shooting my hopes down because of this issue I cant control, even though I was cleared through the DOT physical. I am in excellent shape and have no pain or visible blood in my urine. I just wanna know if they do a urinalysis( with the drug screen) for my own sanity.
Posted: 9 years, 6 months ago
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Lease purchase on equipment of youre choice
Oh yea i agree. Ive heard about tons of horror stories with this. Thats why i said "non- scamming" i mean who even knows if a company like that even exists out there?